(E-Book) קבלה מדע ומשמעות החיים

מי אנחנו? מהו החומר שממנו אנו בנויים? כיצד נוצר היקום? האם יש ממדים נוספים של מרחב וזמן? שאלות אל...

מי אנחנו? מהו החומר שממנו אנו בנויים? כיצד נוצר היקום? האם יש ממדים נוספים של מרחב וזמן? שאלות אלה עומדות במרכזו של דו"ח בן 11 שאלות, שעל הכנתו עמלו מדענים בארה"ב מטעם האקדמיה הלאומית למדע ומחר , הוועדה לפיזיקה ואסטרונומיה וסוכנות החלל. הספר :קבלה, מדע ומשמעות החיים מגולל את קורותיו של מפגש בין מדענים ידועי שם מתחומי הפיזיקה הקוונטית לבין מדען-מקובל. ביד אמן מוליך אותנו המחבר בין שבילי הקבלה והמדע, אל שיח מרתק בין השכל לבין התחושה הפנימית. הקורא נוטל חלק בהרפתקה מדעית רוחנית מתוך גירוי אינטלר...

Regular Price: €9,95

(eBook) קבלה ומדע נפגשים

הספר בוחן סוגיות מהותיות שבהן עוסק המדע בן זמננו, ועומד על הדומה והשונה בין גישות מדעיות עדכניות ...

הספר בוחן סוגיות מהותיות שבהן עוסק המדע בן זמננו, ועומד על הדומה והשונה בין גישות מדעיות עדכניות ומתקדמות לבין חכמת הקבלה – המדע של המציאות הרוחנית. הספר פותח הזדמנות להשתתף בדיון מעמיק ועדכני אודות סוגיות מהות החיים, חופש הבחירה, תפיסת המציאות ומערכת החוקים והכוחות המנהלים את המציאות הרוחנית, וכתוצאה ממנה גם את המציאות הגשמית.

Regular Price: €9,95

(PDF) ?למה שונאים אותנו

“למה שונאים אותנו? ”הוא מסע חקירה מעמיק להבנת שורשיה של האנטישמיות והדרך לפתרונה על פי חכמת הקבלה...

“למה שונאים אותנו? ”הוא מסע חקירה מעמיק להבנת שורשיה של האנטישמיות והדרך לפתרונה על פי חכמת הקבלה. המסע אינו מתרכז רק בנו, היהודים, אלא מפענח את נתיב התפתחותה המרתק של האנושות בכללה, ומציג תמונה רחבה עתידית של עולם מתוקן.

Regular Price: €9,95

(PDF) אנחנו נתאספנו כאן

מקורו של עם ישראל הוא בקבוצת אנשים שקיבץ אברהם אבינו בבבל העתיקה. הם התחברו יחד כדי להשיג את העול...

מקורו של עם ישראל הוא בקבוצת אנשים שקיבץ אברהם אבינו בבבל העתיקה. הם התחברו יחד כדי להשיג את העולם הרוחני, על ידי שימוש בשיטת הקבלה שפיתח אברהם.עקרון ההתחברות נמצא ביסודה של שיטת הקבלה, ולכן במהלך ההיסטוריה נהגו מקובלים להתחבר בקבוצות.חלק מיוחד בחכמת הקבלה מסביר איך פועלים בתוך קבוצה, המהווה מעין מעבדה שבתוכה אנחנו מתחברים עם חברים, כתבי קבלה מקוריים ומורה מקובל בעל השגה רוחנית. לומדים מהו כוח השפעה ואהבה – כוח הבורא, וכיצד מממשים ומגלים אותו בקבוצה.בדורנו, כל האנושות צריכה להפוך לקבוצה אחת ג...

Regular Price: €9,95

(PDF) גשר צר מאוד; המאבק על גילוי חכמת הקבלה

אז מהי חכמת הקבלה המקורית? חכמה עתיקה ועמוקה ובו-זמנית מתקדמת ונאורה. חכמה שנשענת על מקורות מופת,...

אז מהי חכמת הקבלה המקורית? חכמה עתיקה ועמוקה ובו-זמנית מתקדמת ונאורה. חכמה שנשענת על מקורות מופת, אך פורצת דרך בגישתה לחיים. חכמה מלאת מסתורין ומפתה ובמקביל מרחיקה ומרתיעה.”גשר צר מאוד” מבטא את המאבק ההיסטורי בעם ישראל על גילוי חכמת הקבלה; משרטט את הקו הדק ביחס החצוי שבלב האדם לשיטה העתיקה. ומהי השיטה? מה הייתה הסיבה לגניזת החכמה, ומה מביא כיום לפריחתה? שאלות אלה ועוד הן שהולידו את הספר שאתם אוחזים בידיכם.

Regular Price: €9,95

(PDF) חגים ושורשים

“חגים ושורשים” מתאר את הטיפוס במדרגות רוחניות המושגות בכל חג וחג, נוכח ההתנגדויות לחיבור המתגלות ...

“חגים ושורשים” מתאר את הטיפוס במדרגות רוחניות המושגות בכל חג וחג, נוכח ההתנגדויות לחיבור המתגלות במסעו של האדם – וזאת בסיוע “המאור המחזיר למוטב”, כוח סגולי מיוחד הטמון בחכמת הקבלה, עד הגיעו לדרגת החיבור השלמה בינו לבין הכוח העליון הנקראת “פורים” או בשפת הקבלה “גמר התיקון”.

Regular Price: €9,95

(volume 1) (E-Book) (שיחות על שלבי הסולם)

ייחודו של ספר זה הוא בחוכמה הגלומה בו, בשילוב הנדיר בין חוכמה פיסית, ארצית, לבין חוכמה אלוקית. בא...

ייחודו של ספר זה הוא בחוכמה הגלומה בו, בשילוב הנדיר בין חוכמה פיסית, ארצית, לבין חוכמה אלוקית. באיזו בקיאות, באיזו נדיבות, הוא מתהלך במרחב הזה, ומזמין אותנו להצטרף למסע. הרב מיכאל לייטמן מראה איך המדע, הפסיכולוגיה וההיסטוריה תומכים זה בזה, כלולים זה בזה, והינם רק היבטים אחדים של מציאות אחת ויחידה, הנפרשת לכל אורכה על ידי חוכמת הקבלה

Regular Price: €9,95

(volume 2) (E-Book) שיחות על שלבי הסולם

ייחודו של ספר זה הוא בחוכמה הגלומה בו, בשילוב הנדיר בין חוכמה פיסית, ארצית, לבין חוכמה אלוקית. בא...

ייחודו של ספר זה הוא בחוכמה הגלומה בו, בשילוב הנדיר בין חוכמה פיסית, ארצית, לבין חוכמה אלוקית. באיזו בקיאות, באיזו נדיבות, הוא מתהלך במרחב הזה, ומזמין אותנו להצטרף למסע. הרב מיכאל לייטמן מראה איך המדע, הפסיכולוגיה וההיסטוריה תומכים זה בזה, כלולים זה בזה, והינם רק היבטים אחדים של מציאות אחת ויחידה, הנפרשת לכל אורכה על ידי חוכמת הקבלה  

Regular Price: €9,95

(volume 3) (E-Book) שיחות על שלבי הסולם

ייחודו של ספר זה הוא בחוכמה הגלומה בו, בשילוב הנדיר בין חוכמה פיסית, ארצית, לבין חוכמה אלוקית. בא...

ייחודו של ספר זה הוא בחוכמה הגלומה בו, בשילוב הנדיר בין חוכמה פיסית, ארצית, לבין חוכמה אלוקית. באיזו בקיאות, באיזו נדיבות, הוא מתהלך במרחב הזה, ומזמין אותנו להצטרף למסע. הרב מיכאל לייטמן מראה איך המדע, הפסיכולוגיה וההיסטוריה תומכים זה בזה, כלולים זה בזה, והינם רק היבטים אחדים של מציאות אחת ויחידה, הנפרשת לכל אורכה על ידי חוכמת הקבלה  

Regular Price: €9,95

(volume 4) (E-Book) שיחות על שלבי הסולם

ייחודו של ספר זה הוא בחוכמה הגלומה בו, בשילוב הנדיר בין חוכמה פיסית, ארצית, לבין חוכמה אלוקית. בא...

ייחודו של ספר זה הוא בחוכמה הגלומה בו, בשילוב הנדיר בין חוכמה פיסית, ארצית, לבין חוכמה אלוקית. באיזו בקיאות, באיזו נדיבות, הוא מתהלך במרחב הזה, ומזמין אותנו להצטרף למסע. הרב מיכאל לייטמן מראה איך המדע, הפסיכולוגיה וההיסטוריה תומכים זה בזה, כלולים זה בזה, והינם רק היבטים אחדים של מציאות אחת ויחידה, הנפרשת לכל אורכה על ידי חוכמת הקבלה  

Regular Price: €9,95

10 wykładów o Kabale (E-Book)

Istotnym celem studiowania Kabały jest wykorzystanie zdobytej wiedzy do wpływania na swoje przezn...

Istotnym celem studiowania Kabały jest wykorzystanie zdobytej wiedzy do wpływania na swoje przeznaczenie. Przede wszystkim musimy uświadomić sobie, czym jest nasze życie, jakie jest jego znaczenie, dlaczego zostało nam dane, gdzie się ono zaczyna i kończy. Po zastanowieniu się nad powyższymi pytaniami należy odnieść je do mądrości Kabały. Kabała uczy, iż Stwórca wykreował wszystkie światy jednocześnie, w tym świat materialny, a my - istoty ludzkie, musimy nauczyć się stosować nauki Kabały w g...

Regular Price: €9,95

5 חוכמת הקבלה בזמננו (E-Book)

חכמת הקבלה בימינו כוללת אוסף שיעורים נבחרים, שיחות והרצאות על מכתבי בעל הסולם שניתנו על ידי הרב מ...

חכמת הקבלה בימינו כוללת אוסף שיעורים נבחרים, שיחות והרצאות על מכתבי בעל הסולם שניתנו על ידי הרב מיכאל לייטמן. האוסף מציע עצות מעשיות לבעיות יומיומיות על פי חכמת הקבלה ומאפשר לקורא ללמוד על יישום חוכמת הקבלה בזמננו.

Regular Price: €9,95

A Glimpse of Light

A Glimpse of Light offers contemplation from the ocean of wisdom contained in the wisdom of Kabba...

A Glimpse of Light offers contemplation from the ocean of wisdom contained in the wisdom of Kabbalah, touching upon topics such as pleasure, ego, love, men and women, education, Nature, The Book of Zohar, and spirituality.  Just open the book wherever you wish, and begin to read, and the words within will serve you as a “glimpse of the Light” illuminating the profound emotions and perceptions we can all attain.

Regular Price: €9,95

A Glimpse of Light: The Basics of the Wisdom of Kabbalah (ePub)

A Glimpse of Light: The Basics of the Wisdom of Kabbalah (ePub)A Glimpse of Light offers contempl...

A Glimpse of Light: The Basics of the Wisdom of Kabbalah (ePub)A Glimpse of Light offers contemplation from the ocean of wisdomcontained in the wisdom of Kabbalah, touching upon topics such as pleasure,ego, love, men and women, education, Nature, The Book of Zohar, andspirituality. Just open the book wherever you wish, and begin to read, and thewords within will serve you as a “glimpse of the Light” illuminating theprofound emotions and perceptions we can all attain.

Regular Price: €9,95

A Glimpse of Light: The Basics of the Wisdom of Kabbalah (Mobi)

A Glimpse of Light: The Basics of the Wisdom of Kabbalah (Mobi)A Glimpse of Light offers contempl...

A Glimpse of Light: The Basics of the Wisdom of Kabbalah (Mobi)A Glimpse of Light offers contemplation from the ocean of wisdomcontained in the wisdom of Kabbalah, touching upon topics such as pleasure,ego, love, men and women, education, Nature, The Book of Zohar, andspirituality. Just open the book wherever you wish, and begin to read, and thewords within will serve you as a “glimpse of the Light” illuminating theprofound emotions and perceptions we can all attain.

Regular Price: €9,95

A Guide to Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah (E-book)

In a world of escalating crises, we need a light through the storm, a guide to help us see where ...

In a world of escalating crises, we need a light through the storm, a guide to help us see where things have gone wrong, and most importantly, what we can do to make our lives and our world more peaceful and sustainable. These essential needs are exactly why Kabbalah is being revealed to millions today.Kabbalah was originally designed as a method to improve life. Kabbalah itself is the tool, and A Guide to the Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah is a means by which we learn to use the tool.In a gracefu...

Regular Price: €9,95

A Guide to Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah (kindle)

In a world of escalating crises, we need a light through the storm, a guide to help us see where ...

In a world of escalating crises, we need a light through the storm, a guide to help us see where things have gone wrong, and most importantly, what we can do to make our lives and our world more peaceful and sustainable. These essential needs are exactly why Kabbalah is being revealed to millions today.Kabbalah was originally designed as a method to improve life. Kabbalah itself is the tool, and A Guide to the Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah is a means by which we learn to use the tool.In a gracefu...

Regular Price: €9,95

A Guide to Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah (PDF)

An important goal in the study of Kabbalah is to use one's knowledge to influence one's destiny. ...

An important goal in the study of Kabbalah is to use one's knowledge to influence one's destiny. Firstly, one has to realize what life is, what its meaning is, why it is given to us, where it begins, and where it ends.After pondering and meditating on the above questions, one has to relate all this to Kabbalah. Kabbalah states that the Creator created all the worlds simultaneously, including our world, and we human beings have to use Kabbalah in our world, the finite material world.In a world...

Regular Price: €9,95

A Guide to the New World (E-book)

Why does 1% of the world population own 40% of the wealth? Why are education systems throughout t...

Why does 1% of the world population own 40% of the wealth? Why are education systems throughout the world producing unhappy, poorly educated children? Why is there hunger? Why are food prices rising when there is more than enough food for everyone? Why are there still countries where human dignity and social justice are nonexistent? And when and how will these wrongs be made right?In 2011, these questions touched the hearts of hundreds of millions the world over. The cry for social justice ha...

Regular Price: €9,95

A Guide to the New World (mobi)

Why does 1% of the world population own 40% of the wealth? Why are education systems throughout t...

Why does 1% of the world population own 40% of the wealth? Why are education systems throughout the world producing unhappy, poorly educated children? Why is there hunger? Why are food prices rising when there is more than enough food for everyone? Why are there still countries where human dignity and social justice are nonexistent? And when and how will these wrongs be made right?In 2011, these questions touched the hearts of hundreds of millions the world over. The cry for social justice ha...

Regular Price: €9,95

A Journey to the Upper World (מסע לעולם עליון) (PDF)

"All the upper and the lower worlds are part of man and the entire reality within these worlds ex...

"All the upper and the lower worlds are part of man and the entire reality within these worlds exists only for man. This world and everything in it is not enough for a man to use and to benefit from. It is, rather, all the Upper Worlds and everything within them that one needs, since they were created only for man's needs" (Book of Zohar, Leviticus)."All the upper and the lower worlds are part of man and the entire reality within these worlds exists only for man. This world and everything in ...

Regular Price: €9,95

A Kabbalista: egy filmszerű regény (E-Book)

A Kabbalista: egy filmszerű regény (E-Book)A Kabbalista Yehuda Ashlag valódi élettörténetére alap...

A Kabbalista: egy filmszerű regény (E-Book)A Kabbalista Yehuda Ashlag valódi élettörténetére alapul, aki egy misztikus 20. század béli Kaballista volt. Élete és munkája inspirálta a “Mátrix” című filmet, és más Hollywoodi filmet és irányzatot. Ez a mesterien elmesélt történet teljesen felforgatja majd mindazt amit az emeberek mindeddig a Kabbaláról és spiritualitásról gondoltak. Ez a történet egy olyan személy belső munkásságát, működését tárja fel, aki képes volt közvetlen kapcsolatot elérni...

Regular Price: €9,95

A Psicologia da Sociedade Integral (E-Book)

A Psicologia da Sociedade Integral apresenta uma abordagem revolucionária da educação . Ao nosso ...

A Psicologia da Sociedade Integral apresenta uma abordagem revolucionária da educação . Ao nosso redor, vemos a prova de que uma paradoxal mudança de paradigma está ocorrendo em nossa sociedade. Um mundo interligado e interdependente começou a emergir gradualmente, mostrando o sistema atual da sociedade construído a partir do egoísmo e excesso. Enquanto o mundo evolui, nosso sistema educacional está estagnado, baseado em ideais e necessidades do século XIX. Uma nova educação deve ser desenvol...

Regular Price: €9,95

A Revelação do Livro do Zohar em Nosso Tempo (E-Book)

A Revelação do Livro do Zohar em nosso tempo tem como objetivo ajudar o aluno a orientar-se em su...

A Revelação do Livro do Zohar em nosso tempo tem como objetivo ajudar o aluno a orientar-se em sua abordagem ao estudo do Zohar, a fim de colher o máximo benefício em sua leitura.É construído por citações do Dr. Michael Laitman extraídas das lições diárias do Zohar, contendo também respostas às perguntas dos alunos. Aborda os seguintes temas:A revelação do Zohar no nosso tempoA abordagem para o estudo do ZoharO esforço durante o estudo do ZoharConfusão e distúrbios, enquanto estudando o Zohar...

Regular Price: €9,95

A Sage’s Fruit vol.2 - Essays of Baal HaSulam (E-Book)

For over sixty years, some of the most powerful essays written by Rav Yehuda Ashlag, known as Baa...

For over sixty years, some of the most powerful essays written by Rav Yehuda Ashlag, known as Baal HaSulam (Owner of the Ladder) for his Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar, have been sealed and concealed. In some, the text has become indiscernible and the letters barely readable. In some, the text has been torn and some was lost. For this reason, ellipses are quite common, either because the original text is incomplete, or because it cannot be read with certainty.And yet, the auth...

Regular Price: €9,95

A Sage’s Fruit: letters of Baal HaSulam (E-Book)

The greatest Kabbalist of the 20th century, Rav Yehuda Leib Halevi Ashlag, who wrote the Sulam (L...

The greatest Kabbalist of the 20th century, Rav Yehuda Leib Halevi Ashlag, who wrote the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar, had very few students. A prolific writer, he spent almost all of his time at his desk, so the students that he did have were precious. When spending time away from home and from his students, Rav Yehuda Ashlag would write elaborate letters to provide them with guidance and encouragement. Today these letters offer a window into the special relationships culti...

Regular Price: €9,95

A Thousand Questions about Kabbalah (אלף שאלה על קבלה) (PDF)

The wisdom of Kabbalah reveals itself as a system for bridging distances and cultural differences...

The wisdom of Kabbalah reveals itself as a system for bridging distances and cultural differences, a system connecting hearts that are aspiring to discover the meaning and the purpose of lifeThe wisdom of Kabbalah reveals itself as a system for bridging distances and cultural differences, a system connecting hearts that are aspiring to discover the meaning and the purpose of life. In this book the reader is given a rare glimpse into the inner sanctum of those who have walked the spiritual pat...

Regular Price: €9,95

A Thousand Tips for Life by Rav Michael Laitman PhD (אלף עצות לחיים)(PDF)

"Along with us, in the same space, there exist other worlds. We have no contact with them and we ...

"Along with us, in the same space, there exist other worlds. We have no contact with them and we do not come across them. These worlds are in another dimension, and if we remain in the confines of our nature, we will never be able to discover them. It appears that these other worlds contain all the roots and reasons for what happens here in our world, the reason for the life and death of every being, and even the results of our actions in this world" (Michael Laitman, A Journey to the Upper W...

Regular Price: €9,95

A Very Narrow Bridge (E-Book)

Hardly anyone remains impartial upon hearing the words “the wisdom of Kabbalah.” One may mock it ...

Hardly anyone remains impartial upon hearing the words “the wisdom of Kabbalah.” One may mock it as esoteric nonsense, another might speak its praises and tell stories of formidable, enigmatic people who can set fire to people or turn them into a heap of bones with their very gaze, while yet another might mention secret, shady societies.The authentic wisdom of Kabbalah had been concealed for two millennia. Over the centuries, so many myths, misunderstandings, and misinterpretations of it have...

Regular Price: €9,95

A View of Kabbalah (מבט לקבלה) (PDF)

In the book A View of Kabbalah, the writer peels off, layer by layer, commonly accepted ideas abo...

In the book A View of Kabbalah, the writer peels off, layer by layer, commonly accepted ideas about Kabbalah, and presents the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah through a contemporary perspective.In the book A View of Kabbalah, the writer peels off, layer by layer, commonly accepted ideas about Kabbalah, and presents the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah through a contemporary perspective. The book gradually reveals to the reader the wisdom of the Upper Reality, a new system of laws, underlying the reality...

Regular Price: €9,95

A Vision of Goodness (לראות טוב-ספרון)(PDF)

Beyond the limits of our senses and our sensations exists a wonderful spiritual world of absolute...

Beyond the limits of our senses and our sensations exists a wonderful spiritual world of absolute goodness. You can become part of this world and actually feel it if you only desire to. מעבר לחושים ולתחושות שלנו קיים עולם רוחני נפלא שכולו טוב. כל אחד מאיתנו יכול להתחבר אליו ולחוש אותו באופן ממשי אם רק ירצה בכך. אבל איך אפשר לרצות משהו שעוד לא חשים? לשם כך אנחנו זקוקים להנחיה ממי שמצוי באותו עולם, שיכול לספר לנו עליו. אם הוא יספר לנו כמה טוב שם, נרצה להגיע למקום בו הוא מצוי. המקובלים הם אלו שר...

Regular Price: €9,95

A Voz da Cabalá (E-Book)

Em nossos tempos, há uma sensação geral de que "todo mundo estuda Cabalá”. No entanto, a sabedori...

Em nossos tempos, há uma sensação geral de que "todo mundo estuda Cabalá”. No entanto, a sabedoria da Cabalá não é uma moda passageira, mas um método ancestral da forma mais elevada do pensamento humano. É uma sabedoria que engloba tudo que os seres humanos precisam, a fim de lidar com os desafios deste mundo. O livro A Voz da Cabalá é uma seleção e compilação dos principais artigos publicados em nosso jornal. Esta informação é dividida em dez capítulos que fornece um rico mosaico desta antig...

Regular Price: €9,95

Abriendo el Zohar (E-Book)

El Libro del Zohar (Libro del Resplandor), también conocido como, El Zohar, es uno de los más mis...

El Libro del Zohar (Libro del Resplandor), también conocido como, El Zohar, es uno de los más misteriosos e incomprendidos composiciones que se han escrito. El asombro, admiración, e incluso temen que ha suscitado en los últimos años son insuperables. Este libro contiene los secretos de toda la Creación, pero hasta hace poco estos secretos se envuelto en una nube de misterio y conceptos erróneos. Ahora El Zohar está desarrollando abiertamente su sabiduría en todo el mundo, para mostrar a la...

Regular Price: €9,95

Açık Kitap (E-Book)

İnsan, tarih boyunca hayatın temel sorularına cevaplar aramıştır. Ben kimim? Burada varoluşumun a...

İnsan, tarih boyunca hayatın temel sorularına cevaplar aramıştır. Ben kimim? Burada varoluşumun amacı ne? Dünya neden yaratıldı ve ölümden sonra hayat var mı?İnsan, tarih boyunca hayatın temel sorularına cevaplar aramıştır. Ben kimim? Burada varoluşumun amacı ne? Dünya neden yaratıldı ve ölümden sonra hayat var mı?Her birimiz, elimizdeki kaynaklar doğrultusunda, kendimize özgü bir şekilde cevapları bulmaya çalışırız. Bulduğumuz şeye ve bilgi kaynağımıza duyduğumuz güvene bağlı olarak, hayata ...

Regular Price: €9,95

Açık Kitap (ePub)

İnsan, tarih boyunca hayatın temel sorularına cevaplar aramıştır. Ben kimim? Burada varoluşumun a...

İnsan, tarih boyunca hayatın temel sorularına cevaplar aramıştır. Ben kimim? Burada varoluşumun amacı ne? Dünya neden yaratıldı ve ölümden sonra hayat var mı?İnsan, tarih boyunca hayatın temel sorularına cevaplar aramıştır. Ben kimim? Burada varoluşumun amacı ne? Dünya neden yaratıldı ve ölümden sonra hayat var mı?Her birimiz, elimizdeki kaynaklar doğrultusunda, kendimize özgü bir şekilde cevapları bulmaya çalışırız. Bulduğumuz şeye ve bilgi kaynağımıza duyduğumuz güvene bağlı olarak, hayata ...

Regular Price: €9,95

Alltid med meg - Om min lærer Rabash (E-Book)

Alltid med meg er mer enn et minne over min lærer. Boken er både en introduksjon av en spirituell...

Alltid med meg er mer enn et minne over min lærer. Boken er både en introduksjon av en spirituell vei og en intim fortelling om en stor kabbalist, den viser i detalj hvordan relasjonen mellom en lærer og hans hengivne elev ble til og hvordan de studerte sammen. Gjennom et sterkt og dypt bånd, konflikter, hjelp og støtte, hengivenhet, protester, oppturer og nedturer plantet læreren visdommen om Kabbala inn i meg. RABASH var fanebæreren, den siste i en rekke spirituelle kjemper, for formidling ...

Regular Price: €9,95

Always With Me (E-book)

Always With Me is more than a memoir about my teacher. It is both an exposition of a spiritual pa...

Always With Me is more than a memoir about my teacher. It is both an exposition of a spiritual path and an intimate account of a great kabbalist; it details the formation and evolution of the relationship and joint study of a teacher and his devoted disciple. Through a profound bond, conflicts, assistance, and rejections, devotion, protests, ascents, and descents, the teacher imbued in me the wisdom ofKabbalah. RABASH was the standard-bearer, the last in a line of spiritual giants dedicated t...

Regular Price: €9,95

Always With Me - About My Teacher RABASH

Always With Me is more than a memoir about my teacher. It is both an exposition of a spiritual pa...

Always With Me is more than a memoir about my teacher. It is both an exposition of a spiritual path and an intimate account of a great kabbalist; it details the formation and evolution of the relationship and joint study of a teacher and his devoted disciple. Through a profound bond, conflicts, assistance, and rejections, devotion, protests, ascents, and descents, the teacher imbued in me the wisdom of Kabbalah. RABASH was the standard-bearer, the last in a line of spiritual giants dedicated ...

Regular Price: €18,95

An Interview with the Future (ראיון עם העתיד) (PDF)

What is the source of our personal suffering and the suffering of humanity? The vicious circle of...

What is the source of our personal suffering and the suffering of humanity? The vicious circle of human suffering has been idly turning for thousands of years as if without cause, and with no escape.What is the source of our personal suffering and the suffering of humanity? The vicious circle of human suffering has been idly turning for thousands of years as if without cause, and with no escape. Is this really so? Today we are learning that the wisdom of Kabbalah offers both the answers and a...

Regular Price: €9,95


ANDLIGT SÖKANDE (E-Book)Vad är andligheten? Går den likt vår värld att begripa, undersöka vetensk...

ANDLIGT SÖKANDE (E-Book)Vad är andligheten? Går den likt vår värld att begripa, undersöka vetenskapligt? Detär känt att kabbala är en dold lära. Just på grund av att den varit dold har det uppkommitmånga felaktiga resonemang och slutsatser kring den. Först mot slutet av 1900-talet talet fick vi tillåtelse att öppet studera denna vetenskap och sprida den över helavärlden. Kabbala är en vetenskap om hur man styr sitt öde, det är en visdom given helamänskligheten och alla världens folkslag. Det...

Regular Price: €9,95

Ang mga Lihim ng Walang-Hanggang Aklat; Ang kahulugan ng mga kuwento ng Pentateuch (E-Book)

Ang mga Lihim ng Walang-Hanggang Aklat ay nagde-decode ng ilan sa mga pinaka-mahiwaga, ngunit mad...

Ang mga Lihim ng Walang-Hanggang Aklat ay nagde-decode ng ilan sa mga pinaka-mahiwaga, ngunit madalas na binabanggit na mga panahon ng Bibliya. Ang masigla at maluwag na istilo ng may-akda ay nagbibigay ng isang maayos na pagpasok sa kailaliman ng pang-unawa, kung saan binabago ng isang tao ang kanyang mundo sa pamamagitan lamang ng pagmumuni-muni at pagnanais. Habang nagbabasa, malumanay kang aangat sa antas ng pisikal na mga pangyayari gaya ng inilarawan sa Bibliya, at makikita mo sina Para...

Regular Price: €9,95

Aprender Jogando (E-Book)

Aprender jogando: Guia de jogos construtivos e comunicativos, em que todos ganham.Se vocês são ed...

Aprender jogando: Guia de jogos construtivos e comunicativos, em que todos ganham.Se vocês são educadores, conselheiros, diretores de relações humanas, pais conscientes ou pessoas que compreendem que a conexão entre os seres humanos é uma força imensa, que a qualidade de nossas relações com os demais é o complemento principal de nossa felicidade e a de nossos filhos, então, este livro é exatamente o que estavam procurando.Este não é um livro de leitura e sim um livro de jogos. Um meio para cr...

Regular Price: €9,95

Aprender Jugando (E-Book)

Aprender jugando: Guía de juegos constructivos y comunicativos, ¡en los que todos ganan!Si ustede...

Aprender jugando: Guía de juegos constructivos y comunicativos, ¡en los que todos ganan!Si ustedes son educadores, consejeros, directores de relaciones humanas, padres conscientes o personas que comprenden que la conexión entre los seres humanos es una fuerza inmensa, que la calidad de nuestras relaciones con los demás es el complemento principal de nuestra felicidad y la de nuestros hijos, entonces, ¡este libro es exactamente lo que estaban buscando!Este no es un libro de lectura sino un lib...

Regular Price: €9,95

Arvut (Bond) (PDF)

In his book Arvut the author reveals that tiny scrap of information we are missing in life about ...

In his book Arvut the author reveals that tiny scrap of information we are missing in life about the one force ruling everything, that same hidden force controlling nature and the universe that wants us to be just like it, about the wisdom of Kabbalah and the Israeli soul that are tied to one another through this force.In his book Arvut the author reveals that tiny scrap of information we are missing in life about the one force ruling everything, that same hidden force controlling nature and ...

Regular Price: €9,95


ATINGEREA LUMILOR SPIRITUALE: Ghid de descoperire spirituală (E-Book)Un cop important in studiul ...

ATINGEREA LUMILOR SPIRITUALE: Ghid de descoperire spirituală (E-Book)Un cop important in studiul Cabalei este acela ca omulUsă folosească această cunoaştere pentru a-şi influenţapropriul destin. Începem acest proces prin înţelegereascopului real pentru care suntem aici, prin descoperireasensului vieţii şi a motivului pentru care ne este dată viaţa.După ce reflectăm asupra întrebărilor de mai sus, trebuiesă le asociem pe toate cu Cabala. Conform Cabalei,Creatorul a creat simultan toate lumile,...

Regular Price: €9,95

Attaining the Worlds Beyond (E-book)

Late in the evening in September 1991, a notebook was passed to Michael Laitman containing the tr...

Late in the evening in September 1991, a notebook was passed to Michael Laitman containing the transcripts from one of the greatest Kabbalists of all time. For thousands of years the secrets of Kabbalah have been guarded from the eyes of strangers and only to be revealed at certain times. The time has come to unveil the secrets that provide the answer to the question all men in all times have asked themselves: What is the meaning of my life?Late in the evening in September 1991, a notebook wa...

Regular Price: €9,95

Awakening to Kabbalah (E-Book)

Your world is ready for change. Make it happen, with guidance from one of the greatest Kabbalists...

Your world is ready for change. Make it happen, with guidance from one of the greatest Kabbalists of our generation Rav Michael Laitman, PhD, sees Kabbalah as a science that deals with drawing near to the Creator. It studies the system of creation, examines how the Creator conducts this system, and how creation can rise to the level of the Creator.It is a method of reaching spiritual fulfillment. Through the study of Kabbalah, you too can learn to direct your heart and consequently your life ...

Regular Price: €9,95

Awakening to Kabbalah (epub)

Your world is ready for change. Make it happen, with guidance from one of the greatest Kabbalists...

Your world is ready for change. Make it happen, with guidance from one of the greatest Kabbalists of our generationRav Michael Laitman, PhD, sees Kabbalah as a science that deals with drawing near to the Creator.Your world is ready for change. Make it happen, with guidance from one of the greatest Kabbalists of our generation Rav Michael Laitman, PhD, sees Kabbalah as a science that deals with drawing near to the Creator. It studies the system of creation, examines how the Creator conducts th...

Regular Price: €9,95

Awakening to Kabbalah (mobi)

Your world is ready for change. Make it happen, with guidance from one of the greatest Kabbalists...

Your world is ready for change. Make it happen, with guidance from one of the greatest Kabbalists of our generationRav Michael Laitman, PhD, sees Kabbalah as a science that deals with drawing near to the Creator.Your world is ready for change. Make it happen, with guidance from one of the greatest Kabbalists of our generation Rav Michael Laitman, PhD, sees Kabbalah as a science that deals with drawing near to the Creator. It studies the system of creation, examines how the Creator conducts th...

Regular Price: €9,95

Awakening to Kabbalah (PDF)

Your world is ready for change. Make it happen, with guidance from one of the greatest Kabbalists...

Your world is ready for change. Make it happen, with guidance from one of the greatest Kabbalists of our generationRav Michael Laitman, PhD, sees Kabbalah as a science that deals with drawing near to the Creator.Your world is ready for change. Make it happen, with guidance from one of the greatest Kabbalists of our generation Rav Michael Laitman, PhD, sees Kabbalah as a science that deals with drawing near to the Creator. It studies the system of creation, examines how the Creator conducts th...

Regular Price: €9,95


“Everything that exists is an outcome of interaction between two forces—giving and receiving. Whe...

“Everything that exists is an outcome of interaction between two forces—giving and receiving. When they work in harmony, life flows peacefully in its course. When they collide, we must deal with calamities and crises of great magnitude,” says Prof. Michael Laitman. These forces are at work in every aspect of life: family, economy, politics, ecology, and health. Bail Yourself Out: How You Can Emerge Strong from the World Crisis is a guide to mastering these forces on the personal, national, an...

Regular Price: €9,95

BAIL YOURSELF OUT: How You Can Emerge Strong from the World Crisis by Michael Laitman PhD (kindle)

“Everything that exists is an outcome of interaction between two forces—giving and receiving."Eve...

“Everything that exists is an outcome of interaction between two forces—giving and receiving."Everything that exists is an outcome of interaction between two forces - giving and receiving. When they work in harmony, life flows peacefully in its course. When they collide, we must deal with calamities and crises of great magnitude", says Prof. Michael Laitman. These forces are at work in every aspect of life: family, economy, politics, ecology, and health. Bail Yourself Out: How You Can Emerge ...

Regular Price: €9,95

BAIL YOURSELF OUT: How You Can Emerge Strong from the World Crisis by Michael Laitman PhD (PDF)

“Everything that exists is an outcome of interaction between two forces—giving and receiving."Eve...

“Everything that exists is an outcome of interaction between two forces—giving and receiving."Everything that exists is an outcome of interaction between two forces - giving and receiving. When they work in harmony, life flows peacefully in its course. When they collide, we must deal with calamities and crises of great magnitude", says Prof. Michael Laitman. These forces are at work in every aspect of life: family, economy, politics, ecology, and health. Bail Yourself Out: How You Can Emerge ...

Regular Price: €9,95

Baobabul care si-a Deschis Inima (E-Book)

Baobabul care si-a Deschis Inima (E-Book)“Cu mult timp în urmă, când marea insulă a Madagascarulu...

Baobabul care si-a Deschis Inima (E-Book)“Cu mult timp în urmă, când marea insulă a Madagascarului era doar un mic oraşel, trăia acolo un baobab tânar”. Ca în toate poveştile bune, povestea copacului-baobab nu este doar o poveste frumoasă, ci o poveste care are un mesaj special, un mesaj de dragoste.Toate poveştile din această colecţie au fost scrise din dragoste faţă de natură, faţă de oameni şi în mod special faţă de copii. Ele toate împărtăşesc aceeaşi dorinţă de a ne spune povestea unită...

Regular Price: €9,95

Basic Concepts in Kabbalah (E-book)

By reading in this book, one develops internal observations and approaches that did not previousl...

By reading in this book, one develops internal observations and approaches that did not previously exist within.This book is intended for contemplation of spiritual terms. To the extent that we are integrated with these terms, we begin to unveil the spiritual structure that surrounds us, almost as if a mist had been lifted.Kabbalah Books aims to follow what Baal HaSulam directed, that redeeming the world from its plights depends solely on disseminating the correction method, as he wrote "We a...

Regular Price: €9,95

Basic Concepts in Kabbalah (ePub)

By reading in this book, one develops internal observations and approaches that did not previousl...

By reading in this book, one develops internal observations and approaches that did not previously exist within. This book is intended for contemplation of spiritual terms.By reading in this book, one develops internal observations and approaches that did not previously exist within.This book is intended for contemplation of spiritual terms. To the extent that we are integrated with these terms, we begin to unveil the spiritual structure that surrounds us, almost as if a mist had been lifted....

Regular Price: €9,95

Basic Concepts in Kabbalah (Mobi)

By reading in this book, one develops internal observations and approaches that did not previousl...

By reading in this book, one develops internal observations and approaches that did not previously exist within. This book is intended for contemplation of spiritual terms.By reading in this book, one develops internal observations and approaches that did not previously exist within.This book is intended for contemplation of spiritual terms. To the extent that we are integrated with these terms, we begin to unveil the spiritual structure that surrounds us, almost as if a mist had been lifted....

Regular Price: €9,95

Basic Concepts in Kabbalah (PDF)

By reading in this book, one develops internal observations and approaches that did not previousl...

By reading in this book, one develops internal observations and approaches that did not previously exist within. This book is intended for contemplation of spiritual terms.By reading in this book, one develops internal observations and approaches that did not previously exist within.This book is intended for contemplation of spiritual terms. To the extent that we are integrated with these terms, we begin to unveil the spiritual structure that surrounds us, almost as if a mist had been lifted....

Regular Price: €9,95

Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Official Songbook (E-Book)

Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Official Songbook

Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Official Songbook

Regular Price: €9,95


BÜTÜNSEL TOPLUMUN PSİKOLOJİSİ (E-Book)Bu gün içinde yaşadığımız dünya küresel ve bütünseldir.Bunu...

BÜTÜNSEL TOPLUMUN PSİKOLOJİSİ (E-Book)Bu gün içinde yaşadığımız dünya küresel ve bütünseldir.Bunun anlamı, onun bütün bileşenleri ve sistemleri tamamen birbirine bağımlı demektir ve her bir öğe dünyadaki diğer öğelerin kaderini belirler. Bu durum gelişimin bir sonucudur ve içinde olduğumuz bu anı ve sonrasını biçimlendirir, bütünselliğe aykırı olan her şey gelişmeğe, evrimleşmeğe ve de en önemlisi Doğa kanunlarına aykırı olduğu için dünyanın farklı parçaları arasında uyumsuzluğa yer yoktur.

Regular Price: €9,95

Cabala - Alcançando Mundos superiores (E-Book)

Este livro chega para todos aqueles que procuram respostas, que tentam encontrar uma maneira lógi...

Este livro chega para todos aqueles que procuram respostas, que tentam encontrar uma maneira lógica e confiável de entender os fenômenos mundiais. Esta magnífica introdução à sabedoria da Cabala oferece um novo tipo de consciência que ilumina a mente, dá vitalidade ao coração e leva o leitor às profundezas de sua alma.

Regular Price: €9,95

Cabalá para Aprendices (E-Book)

Cabalá para Aprendices es un libro para todo aquel que esté buscando respuestas a las preguntas e...

Cabalá para Aprendices es un libro para todo aquel que esté buscando respuestas a las preguntas esenciales de la vida, tales como, “¿para qué venimos a este mundo?”, “¿por qué experimentamos placer y dolor?” y “¿por qué los seres humanos somos como somos?”En este libro, el lector encontrará un método claro y confiable para comprender los fenómenos de este mundo. Además, ayudará a quienes buscan la verdad espiritual a dar el primer paso hacia la compresión de las raíces del comportamiento huma...

Regular Price: €9,95

Cabalá para el Principiante (E-Book)

De dónde vengo y a dónde voy?¿Será posible que ya haya estado en este mundo?¿Por quién llegué aqu...

De dónde vengo y a dónde voy?¿Será posible que ya haya estado en este mundo?¿Por quién llegué aquí?¿Soy capaz de entender este mundo?¿Puedo librarme del sufrimiento?¿Cómo podré alcanzar la tranquilidad, la satisfacción y la felicidad?Todo esto y más nos cuentan mediante un lenguaje claro los grandes Cabalistas de nuestra generación – El Rav Yehudá Leib Ashlag, autor del comentario al Sagrado Zóhar, y su hijo el Rav Baruj Shalom Ashlag. Ellos interpretan los escritos del Sagrado ARÍ, del Rabí ...

Regular Price: €9,95

CABALÁ para no iniciados (eBook)

La Cabalá es mucho más que una frívola moda de estrellas de Hollywood, o de portar un brazalete r...

La Cabalá es mucho más que una frívola moda de estrellas de Hollywood, o de portar un brazalete rojo. Su pensamiento nos impulsa a mirar más allá de lo tangible para dar propósito y sentido a nuestras vidas en busca de la iluminación. Cabalá para no iniciados es un libro que ofrece precisamente eso: cómo adaptar esta filosofía antigua a nuestra vida moderna y hacerla parte de la cotidianidad. En él encontrarás: Mitos y realidades en torno a la Cabalá. Una guía clara para aprender a leer la B...

Regular Price: €9,95

Cabalá para o Estudante (E-Book)

Os maiores Cabalistas contemporâneos, Rav Yehuda Ashlag, e seu filho e sucessor, Rav Baruch Ashla...

Os maiores Cabalistas contemporâneos, Rav Yehuda Ashlag, e seu filho e sucessor, Rav Baruch Ashlag, dão respostas válidas para a questão mais fundamental da vida: Qual é o sentido da minha vida? Com base nas suas interpretações de O Livro do Zohar, e A Árvore da Vida, agora podemos aprender e nos beneficiarmos da sabedoria da Cabalá em uma base diária. Além de textos autênticos desses grandes Cabalistas, este livro oferece ilustrações que retratam fielmente a evolução dos Mundos Superiores co...

Regular Price: €9,95


CABALA PENTRU ÎNCEPĂTORI (E-Book)Cabala pentru începători, o versiune extinsă a cărţii Cabala Rev...

CABALA PENTRU ÎNCEPĂTORI (E-Book)Cabala pentru începători, o versiune extinsă a cărţii Cabala Revelată, este destinatătuturor celor care caută răspunsuri la întrebările esenţiale ale vieţii, cum ar fi: “De ce suntaici?”, “De ce experimentăm plăcerea şi suferinţa?” şi “De ce oamenii se comportă aşacum se comportă?”. Acum, cititorii au un instrument clar şi demn de încredere care să îiajute să înţeleagă fenomenele acestei lumi.Această carte îi va ajuta pe cei care caută adevărul spiritual să fa...

Regular Price: €9,95

Cabala Revelada (E-Book)

Um Guia para uma vida mais pacífica ,escrito de forma clara é um guia amigável para dar sentido a...

Um Guia para uma vida mais pacífica ,escrito de forma clara é um guia amigável para dar sentido ao mundo circundante e conseguir a paz interior.Cada um dos seis capítulos deste livro centra-se em um aspecto diferente da antiga sabedoria da Cabala, lançando nova luz sobre um ensinamento que tem sido muitas vezes envolto em mistério e equívocos. A ideia, sutil, mas profunda tece os capítulos do livro em um todo coerente e concreto. Os três primeiros capítulos da Cabala Revelada dizem ao leitor ...

Regular Price: €9,95

Cabalá Revelada Parte 1 (eBook)

Este paquete le proporciona las bases para el estudio de la Cabalá Cabalá para Principiantes: es ...

Este paquete le proporciona las bases para el estudio de la Cabalá Cabalá para Principiantes: es una colección de los artículos más importantes de Cabalá, y contiene material para toda una vida de estudio. Se utiliza prácticamente todos los días por todos los niveles de estudiantes dentro de Bnei Baruch. Alcanzando los Mundos Superiores: nos adentra en los conceptos cabalísticos utilizando un lenguaje que habla a nuestros corazones hoy en día. Es un viaje muy personal, y cada vez que lo lees ...

Regular Price: €28,95

Cabalá Revelada Parte 2 (eBook)

Este paquete te proporciona las bases para el estudio de la Cabalá. Una Guía a la Sabiduría Ocult...

Este paquete te proporciona las bases para el estudio de la Cabalá. Una Guía a la Sabiduría Oculta de la Cabalá proporciona toda la información que necesitas para aprender los fundamentos de la Cabalá, así como sugerencias muy necesarias para emplear esta ciencia milenaria en tu vida cotidiana. Shamati es un legado perdurable dejado al Dr. Laitman por su maestro, Rabash (Rabi Baruj Ashlag). Esta recopilación de conversaciones entre Rabash y su padre, Baal HaSulam, nos proporciona una conexión...

Regular Price: €18,95


Am decis sa scriu Cabala Revelata: Ghidul Personal pentru o Viata mai Linistita”, pentru a prezen...

Am decis sa scriu Cabala Revelata: Ghidul Personal pentru o Viata mai Linistita”, pentru a prezenta Cabala ca o sursa a intelepciunii traite, care a dovedit meritele sale de-a lungul a mii de ani.Am decis sa scriu Cabala Revelata: Ghidul Personal pentru o Viata mai Linistita”, pentru a prezenta Cabala ca o sursa a intelepciunii traite, care a dovedit meritele sale de-a lungul a mii de ani. De fapt, din ambele puncte de vedere, atit spiritual cit si ca ghid practic pentru viata, Cabala este ma...

Regular Price: €9,95

CABALA REVELATĂ; Ghidul Personal Pentru o Viaţă Mai Liniştită (PDF)

Am decis sa scriu Cabala Revelata: Ghidul Personal pentru o Viata mai Linistita”, pentru a prezen...

Am decis sa scriu Cabala Revelata: Ghidul Personal pentru o Viata mai Linistita”, pentru a prezenta Cabala ca o sursa a intelepciunii traite, care a dovedit meritele sale de-a lungul a mii de ani.Am decis sa scriu Cabala Revelata: Ghidul Personal pentru o Viata mai Linistita”, pentru a prezenta Cabala ca o sursa a intelepciunii traite, care a dovedit meritele sale de-a lungul a mii de ani. De fapt, din ambele puncte de vedere, atit spiritual cit si ca ghid practic pentru viata, Cabala este ma...

Regular Price: €9,95

Cabala, Ciência e o Significado da Vida (E-Book)

Cabala, Ciência e Significado da Vida traça os marcos da evolução da ciência com a qual estamos f...

Cabala, Ciência e Significado da Vida traça os marcos da evolução da ciência com a qual estamos familiarizados, como as teorias de Einstein Newton e mas vai além disso apresentando a ciência da Cabala como a base para a compreensão das partes ocultas da realidade que os cientistas são descobrindo agora.Enquanto outras ciências pesquisam o mundo definível em torno de nós, a Cabala nos ensina como as mudanças espontâneas que ocorrem dentro de nós afeta a nossa realidade circundante. A sabedoria...

Regular Price: €9,95


CABALA, ŞTIINŢA SI SEMNIFICAŢIA VIEŢTII (E-Book)Dr. Michael Laitman este o personalitate unică și...

CABALA, ŞTIINŢA SI SEMNIFICAŢIA VIEŢTII (E-Book)Dr. Michael Laitman este o personalitate unică și fascinantă: un talentat om de știință care a creat o sinteză semnificativă a științei și a Cabalei. - Daniel Matt, autorul cărţii Dumnezeu și Big Bangul: Descoperirea Armoniei dintre Știință & Spiritualitate şi Zohar: Adnotat & Explicat Într-o perioadă de alegeri critice pentru viitorul nostru pe această planetă, înţelepciunea straveche a Cabalei şi-a reînnoit relevanța și utilitatea. Înț...

Regular Price: €9,95

Cabalá; Alcanzando Los Mundos Superiores (E-Book)

Una meta importante en el estudio de la Cabalá es utilizar este conocimiento para influir en el d...

Una meta importante en el estudio de la Cabalá es utilizar este conocimiento para influir en el destino de cada uno de nosotros. El proceso incluye darnos cuenta del verdadero propósito de estar aquí, descubriendo el significado de la vida y la razón por la cual ésta se nos ha otorgado.Alcanzando los Mundos Superiores es una magnífica introducción a la sabiduría de la Cabalá, un primer paso hacia el descubrimiento del máximo logro del ascenso espiritual. Este libro llega a todos aquellos que ...

Regular Price: €9,95

Children of Tomorrow (eBook)

Children of Tomorrow: Guidelines for Raising Happy Children in the 21st Century is a new beginnin...

Children of Tomorrow: Guidelines for Raising Happy Children in the 21st Century is a new beginning for you and your children. Imagine being able to hit the reboot button and get it right this time. No hassle, no stress, and best of all - no guessing. The big revelation is that raising kids is all about games and play, relating to them as small grownups, and making all major decisions together. You will be surprised to discover how teaching kids about positive things like friendship and caring...

Regular Price: €9,95

Children of Tomorrow: guidelines for raising happy children in the 21st century (ePub)

Children of Tomorrow: guidelines for raising happy children in the 21st century (ePub)Children of...

Children of Tomorrow: guidelines for raising happy children in the 21st century (ePub)Children of Tomorrow: Guidelines for Raising Happy Children in the 21st Century is a new beginning for you and your children. Imagine being able to hit the reboot button and get it right this time. No hassle, no stress, and best of all - no guessing. The big revelation is that raising kids is all about games and play, relating to them as small grownups, and making all major decisions together. You will be su...

Regular Price: €9,95

Children of Tomorrow: guidelines for raising happy children in the 21st century (Kindle)

Children of Tomorrow: guidelines for raising happy children in the 21st century (ePub)Children of...

Children of Tomorrow: guidelines for raising happy children in the 21st century (ePub)Children of Tomorrow: Guidelines for Raising Happy Children in the 21st Century is a new beginning for you and your children. Imagine being able to hit the reboot button and get it right this time. No hassle, no stress, and best of all - no guessing. The big revelation is that raising kids is all about games and play, relating to them as small grownups, and making all major decisions together. You will be su...

Regular Price: €9,95

Children of Tomorrow: guidelines for raising happy children in the 21st century (PDF)

Children of Tomorrow: guidelines for raising happy children in the 21st century (PDF)Children of ...

Children of Tomorrow: guidelines for raising happy children in the 21st century (PDF)Children of Tomorrow: Guidelines for Raising Happy Children in the 21st Century is a new beginning for you and your children. Imagine being able to hit the reboot button and get it right this time. No hassle, no stress, and best of all - no guessing. The big revelation is that raising kids is all about games and play, relating to them as small grownups, and making all major decisions together. You will be sur...

Regular Price: €9,95

Cogwheels by Rav Michael Laitman PhD (גלגלי שיניים) (PDF)

When we’re together, joined as cogwheels in a harmonious machine, we discover the true happiness....

When we’re together, joined as cogwheels in a harmonious machine, we discover the true happiness. We once had it, then we parted and lost it. Now it’s time to reunite and rediscover it.When we're together, joined as cogwheels in a harmonious machine, we discover the true happiness. We once had it, then we parted and lost it. Now it's time to reunite and rediscover it.The book Cogwheels gracefully describes the disjoining and rejoining of humanity into a single body, and a single soul.

Regular Price: €9,95

Comme une gerbe de blé (E-Book)

Comme une gerbe de blé : pourquoi l’unité et la responsabilité mutuelle sont-elles à l’ordre du j...

Comme une gerbe de blé : pourquoi l’unité et la responsabilité mutuelle sont-elles à l’ordre du jour met en lumière certaines des questions les plus intimidantes et déconcertantes sur les Juifs : quel est notre rôle sur cette planète ? Sommes-nous vraiment « le peuple élu » ? Si nous le sommes, pourquoi avons-nous été élus ? Quelles sont les causes de l’antisémitisme, et peuvent-elles être traitées ?Grâce à de nombreuses citations et références de sages juifs et d’historiens de tous les temps...

Regular Price: €9,95

Como um Feixe de Juncos (E-Book)

Como um Feixe de Juncos: Como a União e a Responsabilidade Mútua São a Necessidade do Momento lan...

Como um Feixe de Juncos: Como a União e a Responsabilidade Mútua São a Necessidade do Momento lança luz sobre algumas das questões mais difíceis e mistificadoras dos judeus: Qual é o nosso papel neste planeta? Será que somos verdadeiramente "o povo escolhido"? Se somos, Para que fomos escolhidos?O que causa o antissemitismo, e pode ser curado? Usando inúmeras citações e referências de sábios e historiadores de todos os tempos judeus, o livro oferece um roteiro para a realização de um dos obje...

Regular Price: €9,95

Como un Manojo de Cañas (E-Book)

Como un Manojo de Cañas: Por qué la unidad y la responsabilidadmutua están hoy en la agenda del d...

Como un Manojo de Cañas: Por qué la unidad y la responsabilidadmutua están hoy en la agenda del día aclara algunas de las másdesalentadoras y desconcertantes preguntas del pueblo judío: ¿Cuál esnuestra función en este planeta? ¿Somos realmente “el pueblo elegido”?Si lo somos, ¿elegidos para qué? ¿Qué provoca el antisemitismo, y puedeéste ser superado?Mediante numerosas citaciones y referencias de sabios ehistoriadores de todos los tiempos, el libro ofrece una hoja de rutapara el logro de una ...

Regular Price: €9,95

Completando o Círculo (E-Book)

"Temos uma responsabilidade coletiva de criar um mundo mais estável e mais próspero" (Christine L...

"Temos uma responsabilidade coletiva de criar um mundo mais estável e mais próspero" (Christine Lagarde, Diretora Administrativa do Fundo Monetário Internacional).Não seria manchete se um cientista declarasse que no mundo de hoje, estamos todos conectados e dependentes uns dos outros. Mas, se tornaria a principal notícia se um cientista dissesse que há uma forma comprovada que não apenas podemos nos beneficiar de nossa conexão, mas realmente apreciá-la.Completando o círculo: um método empiric...

Regular Price: €9,95

Completing the Circle (E-Book)

“We have a collective responsibility—to bring about a more stable and more prosperous world” (Chr...

“We have a collective responsibility—to bring about a more stable and more prosperous world” (Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund).It wouldn’t make headline news if a scientist declared that in today’s world, we are all connected and dependent on each other. But it would become a main feature if a scientist said there is a proven way we can not only benefit from our connectedness, but actually enjoy it.Completing the Circle: an empirically proven method for...

Regular Price: €9,95

Conceitos Básicos da Cabalá (E-Book)

Através da leitura deste livro, a pessoa entra em contato com os termos utilizados no estudo da C...

Através da leitura deste livro, a pessoa entra em contato com os termos utilizados no estudo da Cabalá, assim esenvolve observações internas e abordagens que não existiam anteriormente.Este livro destina-se a contemplação de termos espirituais. Na medida em que estamos integrados comestes termos, começamos a desvendar a estrutura espiritual que nos rodeia, quase como se uma névoa tivesse sido levantada.

Regular Price: €9,95

Concepts Fondamentaux de la Kabbale (eBook)

L'ouvrage Concepts fondamentaux de la Kabbale est une introduction en douceur aux concepts et au ...

L'ouvrage Concepts fondamentaux de la Kabbale est une introduction en douceur aux concepts et au sens de la Kabbale. Le livre présente des idées et des principes de façon agréable permettant au lecteur d’être à l’aise avec des idées pouvant être intimidantes, si elles étaient présentées dans un style plus difficile. Bref, mais personnel, le livre encourage une seconde voire une troisième lecture pour une meilleur appréhension. A chaque fois, le lecteur découvrira dans le texte des aspects nou...

Regular Price: €9,95

Concepts Fondamentaux de la Kabbale by Rav Michael Laitman PhD (PDF)

L'ouvrage Concepts fondamentaux de la Kabbale est une introduction en douceur aux concepts et au...

L'ouvrage Concepts fondamentaux de la Kabbale est une introduction en douceur aux concepts et au sens de la KabbaleL'ouvrage Concepts fondamentaux de la Kabbale est une introduction en douceur aux concepts et au sens de la Kabbale. Le livre présente des idées et des principes de façon agréable permettant au lecteur d’être à l’aise avec des idées pouvant être intimidantes, si elles étaient présentées dans un style plus difficile. Bref, mais personnel, le livre encourage une seconde voire une ...

Regular Price: €9,95

Concetti Di Base Nella Kabbalah

Concetti base nella Kabbalah è una saggia e moderata introduzione ai concetti ed al significato d...

Concetti base nella Kabbalah è una saggia e moderata introduzione ai concetti ed al significato della Kabbalah. Il libro presenta idee e principi in modo gradevole permettendo al lettore di sentirsi a proprio agio con concetti che potrebbero sembrare scoraggianti se presentati in un modo più impegnativo. Conciso ma profondo, il libro incoraggia una seconda, una terza lettura ed una ulteriore esplorazione nella Kabbalah. Ogni capitolo si concentra su un aspetto diverso della Kabbalah ma queste...

Regular Price: €9,95

Conectados pela Lei da Natureza (E-Book)

Nossa sociedade não é como era há alguns anos atrás. Temos crescido à parte, nos tornamos "viciad...

Nossa sociedade não é como era há alguns anos atrás. Temos crescido à parte, nos tornamos "viciados" em inovações tecnológicas, e muitos dos nossos laços sociais se resumem em "amizades" on-line. Parece que a preocupação mútua e bondade a estranhos desapareceram. Infelizmente, sem eles nós não temos nenhuma sociedade, e por isso eles devem retornar. A única pergunta é: "Como fazer isso acontecer?"Conectados pela Lei da Natureza é um livro inovador sobre a consciência social. Apresentando um q...

Regular Price: €9,95

Conectados Según las Leyes de la Naturaleza (E-Book)

Con los años, el carácter de las relaciones entre los hombres ha cambiado. Nos hemos alejado unos...

Con los años, el carácter de las relaciones entre los hombres ha cambiado. Nos hemos alejado unos de otros, entregados al progreso, mientras que las buenas relaciones entre nosotros han ido desapareciendo. Parecería que valores como la consideración, el respeto mutuo y la preocupación por el prójimo nos hubieran dejado, pero están por volver, ¡con toda la fuerza! “Conectados” es un libro innovador en el terreno de la concientización social, que presenta ante el lector una imagen integral de...

Regular Price: €9,95

Connaissance Des Mondes Spirituels (E-Book)

Ce qui est important dans l’étude de la Kabbale, c’est de se servir de cette connaissance pour in...

Ce qui est important dans l’étude de la Kabbale, c’est de se servir de cette connaissance pour influencer notre propre destinée. Nous commençons ce processus en réalisant quelle est la vraie raison de notre présence ici, en découvrant un sens à la vie et pourquoi nous sommes nés.Après maintes réflexions et méditations sur lesdites questions, nous devons tout relier à la Kabbale. La Kabbale affirme que le Créateur a créé tous les mondes simultanément, y compris le nôtre. Des écrits datant du s...

Regular Price: €9,95

Connected - by Nature’s Law (E-Book)

Connected—by Nature’s Law is an innovative book on social awareness. Presenting a comprehensive p...

Connected—by Nature’s Law is an innovative book on social awareness. Presenting a comprehensive picture of reality and the process that humanity is undergoing, the book offers tools for using the major personal and social shifts we’re going through to our benefit. In Connected, the author suggests a “healthcare program for humanity” by solidifying the ties between us on all levels—family, community, national, and international. The sooner we implement the program, the sooner we will find ours...

Regular Price: €9,95

Connected - by Nature’s Law (ePub)

Connected - by Nature’s Law (ePub)Connected—by Nature’s Law"Times New Roman";mso-ansi-language:EN...

Connected - by Nature’s Law (ePub)Connected—by Nature’s Law"Times New Roman";mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language:EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA"> is an innovative book on social awareness. Presentinga comprehensive picture of reality and the process that humanity is undergoing,the book offers tools for using the major personal and social shifts we’regoing through to our benefit. In Connected, the author suggests a“healthcare program for humanity” by solidifying the ties between us ...

Regular Price: €9,95

Connected - by Nature’s Law (Mobi)

Connected - by Nature’s Law (mobi)Connected—by Nature’s Law"Times New Roman";mso-ansi-language:EN...

Connected - by Nature’s Law (mobi)Connected—by Nature’s Law"Times New Roman";mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language:EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA"> is an innovative book on social awareness. Presentinga comprehensive picture of reality and the process that humanity is undergoing,the book offers tools for using the major personal and social shifts we’regoing through to our benefit. In Connected, the author suggests a“healthcare program for humanity” by solidifying the ties between us ...

Regular Price: €9,95

Connecting to the Source; Excerpts from the Wisdom of Kabbalah - eBook

Connecting to the Source contains a selection of source excerpts written by the greatest Kabbalis...

Connecting to the Source contains a selection of source excerpts written by the greatest Kabbalists throughout the generations: Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai (Rashbi), the ARI, Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), and others. The excerpts in the book are suitable for our generation and for future generations, and provide the reader with an entry to the development of the soul and a peep into the spiritual realm that Kabbalists describe. This book h...

Regular Price: €9,95

Crianças do Amanhã (E-Book)

Crianças do Amanhã: Diretrizes para Educar Crianças Felizes no século 21 é um novo começo para vo...

Crianças do Amanhã: Diretrizes para Educar Crianças Felizes no século 21 é um novo começo para você e seus filhos. Imagine ser capaz de apertar o botão de reiniciar e acertar desta vez. Sem complicações, sem estresse, e o melhor de tudo - sem adivinhação.A grande revelação é que criar filhos se trata de jogos e brincadeiras, nos relacionando com elas como adultos pequenos, e tomando todas as principais decisões em conjunto. Você vai se surpreender ao descobrir como ensinar as crianças sobre c...

Regular Price: €9,95

Crisis als Kans

Crisis als Kans: De Wereldwijde Crisis en de Wijsheid van Kabbalah (E-Book)Veel onderzoekers en w...

Crisis als Kans: De Wereldwijde Crisis en de Wijsheid van Kabbalah (E-Book)Veel onderzoekers en wetenschappers het erover eens dat de oorzaak van de problemen van de mensheid is het menselijke ego. Toch baanbrekende nieuwe boek Laitman's toont niet alleen aan dat ego de basis voor alle leed in de menselijke geschiedenis is geweest, maar ook laat zien waarom we zijn afhankelijk van het lijden als gevolg van onze ego, en hoe we onze benarde situatie kunnen zich wenden tot plezier, onze probleme...

Regular Price: €9,95

Das Buch der Psalmen (eBook)

Es gibt drei Wege, das Buch der Psalmen zu betrachten. Für viele ist es ein Buch mit 150 wundersc...

Es gibt drei Wege, das Buch der Psalmen zu betrachten. Für viele ist es ein Buch mit 150 wunderschönen Gedichten. Für manche das Vermächtnis des wohl mächtigsten Königs, denn es je gab. Und für andere stellt es eine Verbindung zu Gott dar. In dieser Übersetzung des Buchs der Psalmen geht es nicht darum, die Worte zu verstehen, sondern darum, wie Sie es betrachten.

Regular Price: €9,95

Das Licht der Kabbala (eBook)

Was bedeutet das Studium der Kabbala und welchen inneren und äußeren Weg kann es weisen?Die grund...

Was bedeutet das Studium der Kabbala und welchen inneren und äußeren Weg kann es weisen?Die grundlegenden Konzepte hinter dem Studium und Leben kabbalistischer Weisheit werden verständlich vorgestellt und so dargelegt, dass der Leser einen ersten Eindruck kabbalistischer Spiritualität bekommt.

Regular Price: €9,95

De Weg van Kabbalah - De Onthulling Van De Verborgen Wijsheid (eBook)

"Gij zult u geen gesneden beeld maken, noch enige vorm van gelijkenis" (Exodus 20:3). Dit gebod ...

"Gij zult u geen gesneden beeld maken, noch enige vorm van gelijkenis" (Exodus 20:3). Dit gebod uit de Bijbel is de basis van de Kabbalistische wijsheid, want Kabbalisten weten dat de enige ware werkelijkheid die van Zijn Essentie is, de Hoge Kracht. Als wij dit concept aanvaarden, kunnen we werkelijk openstaan voor het toekomstperspectief van vrijheid voor ieder mens, voor iedere natie en voor de hele wereld. Hoewel de structuur van de werkelijkheid en hoe wij die werkelijkheid waarnemen du...

Regular Price: €9,95


DER EGOIST - Mein Weg zur Quelle der Weisheit In seinem Debüt „Der Egoist“ lässt uns Jesse Bogne...

DER EGOIST - Mein Weg zur Quelle der Weisheit In seinem Debüt „Der Egoist“ lässt uns Jesse Bogner schonungslos in die eigenen Abgründe blicken. Hochbegabt, aber arbeitslos lebt er in New York und kämpft gegen seine Alkohol-, Drogen- und Tablettensucht an. Vergeblich versucht er in Entziehungskuren von seinen Süchten und Aggressionen frei zu werden, bis er von seinem reichen Vater als letzte Konsequenz vor die Türe gesetzt wird. Zuerst mehr widerwillig als  begeistert, entdeckt er die Weishei...

Regular Price: €9,95

Der Kabbalist: Ein filmischer Roman (eBook)

Im Anbruch der verheerendsten Ära der Menschheitsgeschichte, des 20. Jahrhunderts, erschien ein m...

Im Anbruch der verheerendsten Ära der Menschheitsgeschichte, des 20. Jahrhunderts, erschien ein mysteriöser Mann auf der gesellschaftspolitischen Szene. Es war eine strenge Warnung für die Menschheit und eine unwahrscheinliche Lösung für deren Leiden. In seinen Schriften beschrieb der Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag mit Klarheit und großer Liebe zum Detail die Kriege und Umwälzungen, die er vorhersah, und sogar die gegenwärtigen wirtschaftlichen, politischen und sozialen Krisen, welchen wir heute geg...

Regular Price: €9,95

Der Punkt im Herzen (E-Book)

Der Punkt im Herzen: Quell der Freude in meiner SeeleAlle Menschen besitzen jenen Punkt im Herzen...

Der Punkt im Herzen: Quell der Freude in meiner SeeleAlle Menschen besitzen jenen Punkt im Herzen , den Ursprung der Sehnsucht nach den verborgenen Dimensionen des Lebens. Heute erwacht dieser "Punkt" in vielen Menschen und zeigt sich millionenfach.Das Erwachen des Punktes im Herzen ist der Anfang einer Reise in ein wunderbares Land. Dieses Land befindet sich in uns. Das Buch Der Punkt im Herzen gibt Antworten auf die zentralen Fragen, die den Menschen heute beschäftigen: Warum schlagen wir u...

Regular Price: €9,95

Der Sohar - Anmerkungen zum Ashlag-Kommentar (eBook)

Das Buch Sohar (Das Buch des Glanzes) ist ein zeitloser Schatz an Weisheit und zugleich die Grund...

Das Buch Sohar (Das Buch des Glanzes) ist ein zeitloser Schatz an Weisheit und zugleich die Grundlage für die gesamte kabbalistische Literatur. Es bietet eine Sammlung von Kommentaren zur Tora und ist für diejenigen Menschen gedacht, die einen spirituellen Fortschritt anstreben. Der große Kabbalist Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai (Rashbi), der alle 125 Stufen der spirituellen Leiter erklommen hatte, beschrieb darin den gesamten spirituellen Weg sowie die Aufgaben des Menschen in unserer Welt. Seit se...

Regular Price: €9,95

Development of the Soul Part 2 (eBook)

This package includes books that will be used in the Development of the Soul Part 2 Kabbalah stud...

This package includes books that will be used in the Development of the Soul Part 2 Kabbalah studies.Shamati is an enduring legacy left to Dr. Laitman by his teacher, Rabash (Rabbi Baruch Ashlag). This compilation of conversations between Rabash and his father, Baal HaSulam provides us with an enduring connection to these great Kabbalists.The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha) is the first in a series of texts that Rav Michael Laitman, Kabbalist and scientist, designed to introduce readers to the s...

Regular Price: €26,95

Die Geheimnisse des Ewigen Buches (E-Book)

Die Geheimnisse des Ewigen Buches - DIE BEDEUTUNG DER BIBLISCHEN GESCHICHTEN Die Geheimnisse des...

Die Geheimnisse des Ewigen Buches - DIE BEDEUTUNG DER BIBLISCHEN GESCHICHTEN Die Geheimnisse des ewigen Buches entschlüsselt einige der geheimnisvollsten und meist zitierten Stellen der Bibel. Es ermöglicht, tief in die wahre Bedeutung des berühmtesten Buches aller Zeiten einzudringen und eine Anleitung für den eigenen individuellen Lebensweg zu fi nden. Dabei schafft der Autor mit seinem leichten Schreibstil einen sanften Einstieg in die Tiefen der eigenen Wahrnehmung. Der Leser wird hi...

Regular Price: €9,95

Die Geheimnisse des Ewigen Buches - Die Geheimnisse des Ewigen Buches (eBook)

Die Geheimnisse des Ewigen Buches - DIE BEDEUTUNG DER BIBLISCHEN GESCHICHTEN Die Geheimnisse des...

Die Geheimnisse des Ewigen Buches - DIE BEDEUTUNG DER BIBLISCHEN GESCHICHTEN Die Geheimnisse des ewigen Buches entschlüsselt einige der geheimnisvollsten und meist zitierten Stellen der Bibel. Es ermöglicht, tief in die wahre Bedeutung des berühmtesten Buches aller Zeiten einzudringen und eine Anleitung für den eigenen individuellen Lebensweg zu fi nden. Dabei schafft der Autor mit seinem leichten Schreibstil einen sanften Einstieg in die Tiefen der eigenen Wahrnehmung. Der Leser wird hi...

Regular Price: €9,95

Disclosing a Portion

The Pentateuch, or The Five Books of Moses, is a fascinating odyssey of a nation in the making. Y...

The Pentateuch, or The Five Books of Moses, is a fascinating odyssey of a nation in the making. Yet, underneath the tales that reveal human nature at its zenith and at its nadir lies an ocean of wisdom that, if uncovered, can alter reality itself. Dr. Michael Laitman’s Disclosing a Portion: the inner mechanics of the Torah uncovers some of that wisdom in a manner none other has done before.Throughout the year, each week observant Jews read a different portion of the Pentateuch (which they ref...

Regular Price: €9,95

Divulgando uma Porção (E-Book)

Divulgando uma Porção; Os Mecânicos Internos Da Torá O Pentateuco, ou os cinco livros de Moisés,...

Divulgando uma Porção; Os Mecânicos Internos Da Torá O Pentateuco, ou os cinco livros de Moisés, é uma odisseia fascinante de uma nação em formação. No entanto, por trás dos contos que revelam a natureza humana em seu apogeu e em sua profundidade encontra-se um oceano de sabedoria que, se descoberto, pode alterar a própria realidade. O livro Divulgando uma Porção: Os Mecânicos Internos Da Torá do Dr. Michael Laitman, revela alguns pontos da sabedoria de uma forma que ninguém havia feito ante...

Regular Price: €9,95


DÖNÜŞ NOKTASI (E-Book)Doğanın, bizi bir bütün olarak etkileyen ve bizionunla dengeye getirmek ist...

DÖNÜŞ NOKTASI (E-Book)Doğanın, bizi bir bütün olarak etkileyen ve bizionunla dengeye getirmek isteyen tek Kanun olduğunu çalışıyoruz.TR" lang="TR">Sonra, bir olacak şekilde birleşince, içinde yaşadığımız dünyayı anlamayabaşlayacağız.TR" lang="TR">Birbirimize karşı iyi tutum aracılığıyla bu bağı elde edebiliriz. Onuistemesek de, “alışkanlık ikinci doğa olur” kuralını kullanarak, oyunaracılığıyla elde etmeliyiz. Bunu nasıl başarabiliriz? Bunun, bizi sarançevreye, insan toplumuna uygulanma...

Regular Price: €9,95


Ptáte se, jak se správně seznámit s kabalou? Myslím, že byste si měli přečíst moji knihu Dosahová...

Ptáte se, jak se správně seznámit s kabalou? Myslím, že byste si měli přečíst moji knihu Dosahování Vyšších světů. Napsal jsem ji za dvanáct dní. Vzpomínám si, že jsem tehdy zůstal sám bez svého Učitele. Bylo mi tak těžko na duši, že jsem nevěděl, kam se podít a co dělat.Chápal jsem, že musím nějak pokračovat, ale jak, to jsem nevěděl.Tak jsem si sedl a napsal tuto knihu. Jsme první generací, která je schopna použít kabalu v našem materiálním světě. Cílem studia kabaly je ovlivnění osudu člov...

Regular Price: €9,95


DOST SEVGİSİ (E-Book)mso-ansi-language:TR;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold;mso-bidi-font-style:italic" l...

DOST SEVGİSİ (E-Book)mso-ansi-language:TR;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold;mso-bidi-font-style:italic" lang="TR">B.05pt;mso-ansi-language:TR" lang="TR">urada,BaalHaSulam’ınyolunuvemetodunutakip etmekisteyenherkes,birgrupolmak içinbiraraya geldik ki hayvan olarak kalmayalımve insandenilenvarlığın derecelerindeyükselelim.mso-ansi-language:TR;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold" lang="TR">Rabaş’ınYazıları,1.Bölüm,“TopluluğunAmacı”

Regular Price: €9,95

Du chaos à l’harmonie (E-Book)

La différence entre ce que nous ressentons actuellement et ce que nous pouvons ressentir est sans...

La différence entre ce que nous ressentons actuellement et ce que nous pouvons ressentir est sans commune mesure... Le Livre du Zohar la compare à la lueur d’une toute petite bougie versus l’éclat d’une lumière<br>infinie. » — Michaël Laitman (extrait du livre).La Kabbale a enchanté plus d’un homme et d’une femme à travers les générations. Certains des êtres qu’elle a ravis ont été des pionniers dans leurs propres domaines : Newton, Leibniz et Goethe n’en sont que quelques exemples.Du c...

Regular Price: €9,95

Einführung in die Weisheit der Kabbala (eBook)

Kabbala lernen aus authentischen Quellen Kurs für Einsteiger Tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende...

Kabbala lernen aus authentischen Quellen Kurs für Einsteiger Tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt der Kabbala mit diesem Grundkurs, der Sie in angemessener Tiefe durch alle Aspekte dieser uralten Weisheit führt. Von den Grundlagen bis hin zu leicht fortgeschrittenen Konzepten erkunden Sie Themen wie die Sprache der Kabbala, die Wahrnehmung der Wirklichkeit, die Freiheit der Wahl und die Struktur der spirituellen Welten.Das einzigartige Ziel dieses Kurses geht weit über die bloße Informat...

Regular Price: €9,95

El Cabalista (E-Book)

Esta es una novela sobre el rabino Yehuda Ashlag, “Baal HaSulam” – el cabalista más notable de to...

Esta es una novela sobre el rabino Yehuda Ashlag, “Baal HaSulam” – el cabalista más notable de todos los tiempos. Él cruzó los 125 escalones de la obtención espiritual, y sintió plenamente la fuerza que dirige al mundo.Baal HaSulam vivió en el Siglo XX. Predijo todo lo que sucedió durante el mismo siglo. Tenía la esperanza de que toda la humanidad se evitara del sufrimiento y las calamidades futuras, y por lo tanto, abrió el libro del Zohar para todos.Al observar a un cabalista, nosotros vemo...

Regular Price: €9,95

EL ISRAEL SECRETO; Un viaje espiritual en el tiempo - eBook

¿Qué es lo mágico de la Tierra de Israel? ¿Qué hace que esta tierra semiárida sea un punto de atr...

¿Qué es lo mágico de la Tierra de Israel? ¿Qué hace que esta tierra semiárida sea un punto de atracción para millones de turistas de todos los rincones del mundo? ¿Qué ha hecho de Israel un punto de discordia durante miles de años?  La Tierra de Israel contiene en su interior fuerzas espirituales, las fuerzas que crean toda la vida. La geografía única de Israel refleja estas fuerzas, haciendo que el paisaje de este pequeño país cambie cada cierto número de kilómetros. El Israel secreto: Un vi...

Regular Price: €9,95

El libro de los Salmos (eBook)

Hay varias formas de ver el Libro de los Salmos. Para muchos, es un libro de ciento cincuenta poe...

Hay varias formas de ver el Libro de los Salmos. Para muchos, es un libro de ciento cincuenta poemas hermosamente escritos.Para otros, es el legado del rey más poderoso que jamás haya reinado. Y para otros, es su conexión con Di-s.En esta traducción del Libro de los Salmos, no se trata tanto de entender las palabras, sino de elegir la forma de verlas.

Regular Price: €9,95

El Punto en el Corazón

Una vez que aparece en el corazón humano la vida nunca podrá ser la misma. Es una transición haci...

Una vez que aparece en el corazón humano la vida nunca podrá ser la misma. Es una transición hacia la madurez, un despertar que provoca un profundo cambio interno. Es un deseo singular que conduce a la persona hacia la percepción de un nuevo mundo de plenitud, satisfacción, y amor. El Punto en el Corazón contiene extractos selectos de las palabras del principal cabalista de nuestro tiempo, Dr. Michael Laitman. Sus lecciones son transmitidas diariamente en www.kab.tv/spa.

Regular Price: €9,95

El Punto en el Corazón; Fuente de placer para mi alma (PDF)

Una vez que aparece en el corazón humano la vida nunca podrá ser la misma. Es una transición haci...

Una vez que aparece en el corazón humano la vida nunca podrá ser la misma. Es una transición hacia la madurez, un despertar que provoca un profundo cambio interno. Es un deseo singular que conduce a la persona hacia la percepción de un nuevo mundo de plenitud, satisfacción, y amor. El Punto en el Corazón contiene extractos selectos de las palabras del principal cabalista de nuestro tiempo, Dr. Michael Laitman. Sus lecciones son transmitidas diariamente en www.kab.tv/spa.Una vez que aparece en...

Regular Price: €9,95

El Vendedor de Eneldo (E-Book)

El escritor está forzado a permanecer en el anonimato

El escritor está forzado a permanecer en el anonimato

Regular Price: €9,95

El Zóhar (eBook)

La sabiduría de la Cabalá nos muestra cómo percibir y vivir en la realidad que nos rodea. Es un m...

La sabiduría de la Cabalá nos muestra cómo percibir y vivir en la realidad que nos rodea. Es un método sistemático, que ha ido evolucionando a lo largo de miles de años, custodiado por un reducido número de personas cuya misión era la de velar por que la verdadera sabiduría fuera entregada a aquellos preparados para recibirla. El Libro del Zóhar (El Libro del Esplendor) es una fuente de sabiduría que trasciende los límites del tiempo y constituye la base de todos los escritos cabalísticos. De...

Regular Price: €9,95

Enter The Zohar (eBook)

Ready to delve into the most mysterious, storied book in human history? To unlock its code you’...

Ready to delve into the most mysterious, storied book in human history? To unlock its code you’ll need a guide. The Zohar: Annotations to the Ashlag Commentary and Unlocking the Zohar make accessible some of the most important parts of this ancient book. The Kabbalist provides a cinematic look at the making of one of history’s greatest Kabbalists, Yehuda Ashlag, who wrote the essential commentary on the Book of Zohar. Finally, Let There Be Light gives the reader daily inspiration from some ...

Regular Price: €43,95

Entrada no Grau Espiritual; Trechos da Sabedoria da Cabala (E-Book)

A Covid-19 exigiu profundas e rápidas mudanças e adaptações em todo o mundo. Nós também, no Bnei ...

A Covid-19 exigiu profundas e rápidas mudanças e adaptações em todo o mundo. Nós também, no Bnei Baruch, respondemos à isso rapidamente ajustando nossas aulas diárias de Cabalá.Em todo o mundo, entramos no mundo virtual para estudar juntos em uma única sala, e a necessidade de novas observações e insights precisos nos levou a escolher temas exclusivos para as aulas, para nos ajudar a focar o trabalho espiritual de cada aluno e de todos nós juntos como um grupo mundial.Cada tópico é um mundo i...

Regular Price: €9,95

Entrando al Zohar (eBook)

¿Listo para adentrarte en el libro más misterioso y lleno de historias de la historia de la human...

¿Listo para adentrarte en el libro más misterioso y lleno de historias de la historia de la humanidad? Para descifrar su código necesitarás una guía. El Zóhar:  Anotaciones al Comentario de Rabí Yehuda Ashlag y Abriendo el Zóhar hacen accesibles algunas de las partes más importantes de este antiguo libro. El cabalista ofrece una mirada cinematográfica a la creación de uno de los más grandes cabalistas de la historia, Yehuda Ashlag, que escribió el comentario esencial sobre el Libro del Zóhar.

Regular Price: €28,95

Entrar al grado espiritual; Fragmentos elegidos de las fuentes de la Sabiduría de la Cabalá - eBook

El año del Coronavirus ha demandado profundos cambios y rápidas adaptaciones a todas las personas...

El año del Coronavirus ha demandado profundos cambios y rápidas adaptaciones a todas las personas en el mundo. También nosotros, en las clases diarias de Cabalá en “Bnei Baruj - Cabalá Laam”, tuvimos que adoptar una flexibilidad y responder prontamente.Entramos al espacio virtual de todos los confines del mundo para estudiar juntos en una sola aula, y la necesidad de nuevos discernimientos y distinciones precisas nos condujo a elegir temas específicos para las clases, que nos ayudasen a enfoc...

Regular Price: €9,95

Entry into the Spiritual Degree: Excerpts from the Wisdom of Kabbalah - eBook

Covid-19 required profound changes and quick adaptations from people all over the world. We, too,...

Covid-19 required profound changes and quick adaptations from people all over the world. We, too, in Bnei Baruch, quickly responded by adjusting our daily Kabbalah lessons.All over the world, we entered the virtual realm to study together in a single room, and the need for new observations and precise insights led us to choose unique topics for the lessons, to help us focus the spiritual work of each student, and of all of us together as a world group.Every topic is a whole world in itself, w...

Regular Price: €9,95


ERDEMLİĞİN İNCİLERİ (E-Book)mso-ansi-language:TR;mso-fareast-language:TR;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA"...

ERDEMLİĞİN İNCİLERİ (E-Book)mso-ansi-language:TR;mso-fareast-language:TR;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA" lang="TR">Şunuanlamalıyız ki Yaradan, özünde kusursuzdur ve herşeyi başlatan olmasısebebiyle, tamamlamak için kimsenin yardımına ihtiyacı yoktur. Öyleyse şuaçıktır ki onun alma arzusu yoktur. Alma arzusu olmadığından dolayı, birisinezarar verme arzusundan da yoksundur. Bu, bu kadar basittir.

Regular Price: €9,95

Está Escrito (E-Book)

Durante milênios, Cabalistas nos legaram numerosos escritos. Nas suas composições, eles dispusera...

Durante milênios, Cabalistas nos legaram numerosos escritos. Nas suas composições, eles dispuseram um método estruturado que pode conduzir, passo-a-passo, a um mundo de eternidade e completude. Está Escrito é uma coleção de excertos selecionados dos escritos dos grandes Cabalistas de todas as gerações, com especial ênfase nos escritos de Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), autor do comentário Sulam [Escada] sobre O Livro do Zohar. As seções foram ordenadas por temas, para fornec...

Regular Price: €9,95

Following the Heart (בעקבות הלב) (PDF)

The wisdom of Kabbalah was until recently exclusively available to a few special souls. Today it ...

The wisdom of Kabbalah was until recently exclusively available to a few special souls. Today it is opening its secrets to anyone who wants to come and use it to find meaning in lifeThe wisdom of Kabbalah was until recently exclusively available to a few special souls. Today it is opening its secrets to anyone who wants to come and use it to find meaning in life. For the first time ever the secrets of Kabbalah are revealed to the reader, teaching us how to develop our point in the heart, whic...

Regular Price: €9,95

Fra Kaos Til Harmoni (PDF)

Fra kaos til harmoni - Løsningen på den globale krisen gjennom læren om kabbala Denne bo...

Fra kaos til harmoni - Løsningen på den globale krisen gjennom læren om kabbala Denne boken forklarer årsaken til alle kriser og problemer vi opplever i livet, og beskriver hvordan vi kan løse dem ved å utvikle en altruistisk innstilling til oss selv og samfunnet rundt oss. En slik holdning vil gi oss tilgang til et helt nytt eksistensnivå som er bedre enn noe vi tidligere har opplevd. En høyere form for liv, som gir oss en forståelse av helheten i naturen og hvor perfekt den er samm...

Regular Price: €9,95

From Chaos to Harmony (eBook)

From Chaos to Harmony: The Solution to the Global Crisis According to the Wisdom of Kabbalah reve...

From Chaos to Harmony: The Solution to the Global Crisis According to the Wisdom of Kabbalah reveals the factors contributing to the perilous state in which we find our world today.Many researchers and scientists agree that the cause of humankind's problems is the human ego. Yet Laitman's groundbreaking new book not only demonstrates that ego has been the basis for all suffering throughout human history but also reveals why we are subject to suffering due to our egos, and how we can turn our ...

Regular Price: €9,95

From Chaos to Harmony: The Solution to the Global Crisis According to the Wisdom of Kabbalah (Kin...

From Chaos to Harmony: The Solution to the Global Crisis According to the Wisdom of Kabbalah reve...

From Chaos to Harmony: The Solution to the Global Crisis According to the Wisdom of Kabbalah reveals the factors contributing to the perilous state in which we find our world today.From Chaos to Harmony: The Solution to the Global Crisis According to the Wisdom of Kabbalah reveals the factors contributing to the perilous state in which we find our world today.Many researchers and scientists agree that the cause of humankind's problems is the human ego. Yet Laitman's groundbreaking new book no...

Regular Price: €9,95

From Chaos to Harmony: The Solution to the Global Crisis According to the Wisdom of Kabbalah (PDF)

From Chaos to Harmony: The Solution to the Global Crisis According to the Wisdom of Kabbalah reve...

From Chaos to Harmony: The Solution to the Global Crisis According to the Wisdom of Kabbalah reveals the factors contributing to the perilous state in which we find our world today.From Chaos to Harmony: The Solution to the Global Crisis According to the Wisdom of Kabbalah reveals the factors contributing to the perilous state in which we find our world today.Many researchers and scientists agree that the cause of humankind's problems is the human ego. Yet Laitman's groundbreaking new book no...

Regular Price: €9,95

From Concealment to Revelation (PDF)

This book contains the words of Kabbalist Rav Baruch Shalom Ashlag (the Rabash), firstborn son an...

This book contains the words of Kabbalist Rav Baruch Shalom Ashlag (the Rabash), firstborn son and successor of Kabbalist Rav Yehuda Ashlag, known as Baal HaSulam (Owner of the Ladder) for his Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar.This book contains the words of Kabbalist Rav Baruch Shalom Ashlag (the Rabash), firstborn son and successor of Kabbalist Rav Yehuda Ashlag, known as Baal HaSulam (Owner of the Ladder) for his Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar. Rabash's words w...

Regular Price: €9,95

Fruto de um Sábio (E-Book)

Fruto de um Sabio; CARTAS DO BAAL HASULAMO maior Cabalista do século XX, Rav Yehuda Leib Halevi A...

Fruto de um Sabio; CARTAS DO BAAL HASULAMO maior Cabalista do século XX, Rav Yehuda Leib Halevi Ashlag, que escreveu o comentárioSulam (Escada) sobre O Livro do Zohar, tinha muito poucos estudantes. Um escritor prolífico, ele passou quase todo o seu tempo em sua mesa, pois os estudantes que ele tinha eram preciosos. Quando passava o tempo longe de casa e de seus estudantes, Rav Yehuda Ashlag escreveria cartas elaboradas para dar-lhes orientação e incentivo. Hoje, estas cartas oferecem uma jan...

Regular Price: €9,95


Wenn wir geduldig sind und die Herausforderungen des Lebens annehmen, werden wir stärker, weiser ...

Wenn wir geduldig sind und die Herausforderungen des Lebens annehmen, werden wir stärker, weiser und mutiger. Anstatt zu resignieren, erschaffen wir unsere eigene Magie und Wunder, so wie es nur der Zauberer in diesem Buch kann. In diesem berührenden sanften Märchen teilt Michael Laitman mit Kindern und Erwachsenen gleichermaßen einige der Juwelen und Zaubersprüche der Spirituellen Welt.Die Weisheit der Kabbala ist voll von faszinierenden Geschichten. „Für immer Zusammen“ ist ein weiteres Ges...

Regular Price: €9,95


Wenn wir geduldig sind und die Herausforderungen des Lebens annehmen, werden wir stärker, weiser ...

Wenn wir geduldig sind und die Herausforderungen des Lebens annehmen, werden wir stärker, weiser und mutiger.Wenn wir geduldig sind und die Herausforderungen des Lebens annehmen, werden wir stärker, weiser und mutiger. Anstatt zu resignieren, erschaffen wir unsere eigene Magie und Wunder, so wie es nur der Zauberer in diesem Buch kann. In diesem berührenden sanften Märchen teilt Michael Laitman mit Kindern und Erwachsenen gleichermaßen einige der Juwelen und Zaubersprüche der Spirituellen Wel...

Regular Price: €9,95

Garanta sua Saída da Crise (E-Book)

Tudo o que existe é um resultado da interação entre duas forças - dar e receber. Quando elas trab...

Tudo o que existe é um resultado da interação entre duas forças - dar e receber. Quando elas trabalham em harmonia, a vida flui tranquilamente em seu curso. “Quando colidem, temos que lidar com calamidades e crises de grande magnitude “, diz o professor Michael Laitman Estas forças agem em todos os aspectos da vida:.. Economia, família, política, ecologia e saúde Garanta sua Saída da Crise - Como Você pode surgir forte da crise mundial é um guia para dominar essas forças em nível pessoal, nac...

Regular Price: €9,95

Gems of Wisdom (eBook)

Gems of Wisdom: words of the great Kabbalists from all generations is a collection of excerpts fr...

Gems of Wisdom: words of the great Kabbalists from all generations is a collection of excerpts from the writings of great Kabbalists from all generations, particularly the writings of Rav Yehuda Ashlag, author of the Sulam [Ladder] commentary of The Book of Zohar.Gems of Wisdom contains words of the great Kabbalists from all generations as a collection of excerpts from the writings of great Kabbalists from all generations, particularly the writings of Rav Yehuda Ashlag, author of the Sulam [L...

Regular Price: €9,95

Gems of Wisdom: Words of the great Kabbalists from all generations (ePub)

Gems of Wisdom: words of the great Kabbalists from all generations is a collection of excerpts fr...

Gems of Wisdom: words of the great Kabbalists from all generations is a collection of excerpts from the writings of great Kabbalists from all generations, particularly the writings of Rav Yehuda Ashlag, author of the Sulam [Ladder] commentary of The Book of Zohar.Gems of Wisdom contains words of the great Kabbalists from all generations as a collection of excerpts from the writings of great Kabbalists from all generations, particularly the writings of Rav Yehuda Ashlag, author of the Sulam [L...

Regular Price: €9,95

Gems of Wisdom: Words of the great Kabbalists from all generations (Kindle)

Gems of Wisdom: words of the great Kabbalists from all generations is a collection of excerpts fr...

Gems of Wisdom: words of the great Kabbalists from all generations is a collection of excerpts from the writings of great Kabbalists from all generations, particularly the writings of Rav Yehuda Ashlag, author of the Sulam [Ladder] commentary of The Book of Zohar.Gems of Wisdom contains words of the great Kabbalists from all generations as a collection of excerpts from the writings of great Kabbalists from all generations, particularly the writings of Rav Yehuda Ashlag, author of the Sulam [L...

Regular Price: €9,95

Gems of Wisdom: Words of the great Kabbalists from all generations (PDF)

Gems of Wisdom: words of the great Kabbalists from all generations is a collection of excerpts fr...

Gems of Wisdom: words of the great Kabbalists from all generations is a collection of excerpts from the writings of great Kabbalists from all generations, particularly the writings of Rav Yehuda Ashlag, author of the Sulam [Ladder] commentary of The Book of Zohar.Gems of Wisdom contains words of the great Kabbalists from all generations as a collection of excerpts from the writings of great Kabbalists from all generations, particularly the writings of Rav Yehuda Ashlag, author of the Sulam [L...

Regular Price: €9,95

Gli Scritti dell'Ultima Generazione e La Nazione (E-Book)

Il 5 giugno 1940, Rav Yahuda Ashlag, conosciuto come Baal HaSulam (autore della Scala) per il suo...

Il 5 giugno 1940, Rav Yahuda Ashlag, conosciuto come Baal HaSulam (autore della Scala) per il suo commento Sulam (Scala) sul Libro dello Zohar, pubblicò la prima copia del giornale "La Nazione". In esso, cercò di offrire una soluzione duratura alle cause dell'Olocausto e di unire il popolo di Israele, poiché percepiva la sua frammentazione come il principale ostacolo alla felicità. I suoi sforzi, tuttavia, furono ostacolati da persone che obiettarono alle sue opinioni, e quella prima pubblica...

Regular Price: €9,95

Habilidades para a Vida: Um Guia Prático para o Sucesso no Novo Mundo Desafiador (E-Book)

Cada um de nós escolhe para si a melhor maneira de conduzir suas vidas. O problema é que muitas v...

Cada um de nós escolhe para si a melhor maneira de conduzir suas vidas. O problema é que muitas vezes encontramos diversas intersecções ramificadas que complicam as nossas decisões sobre onde dar os próximos passos. Habilidades para a Vida é um guia que contém capítulos curtos com foco em três círculos da vida: autogestão, comunicação interpessoal e compreensão do mundo ao redor. O conteúdo apresentado no guia é baseado em um método de autodesenvolvimento e conexão com o meio social de acordo...

Regular Price: €9,95

Handbuch der Absichten (E-Book)

Dieses Buch handelt vom spirituellen Aufstieg des Menschen; es erläutert erhabene spirituelle Kon...

Dieses Buch handelt vom spirituellen Aufstieg des Menschen; es erläutert erhabene spirituelle Konzepte abseits materieller Begrifflichkeiten: Die Tora beispielsweise ist ein Synonym für das Höhere Licht, das ein Mensch durch das Studium kabbalistischer Texte und den Wunsch nach persönlicher Veränderung auf sich zieht. Dieses Licht erhebt den Menschen auf eine höhere Stufe der Wahrnehmung. Mizwot oder Gebote haben nichts mit weltlichen Handlungen zu tun, sondern beziehen sich auf spirituelle...

Regular Price: €9,95

Het Punt in het Hart

Het Punt in het Hart: Een Bron van Grote Vreugde voor Mijn Ziel (E-Book) Wanneer het leven uit d...

Het Punt in het Hart: Een Bron van Grote Vreugde voor Mijn Ziel (E-Book) Wanneer het leven uit de hand loopt, wanneer je een moment nodig hebt om na te denken, om "vijf" en om alleen te zijn met je gedachten, zal dit boek u helpen uw innerlijk kompas te herontdekken. Het punt in het hart is een unieke verzameling van fragmenten uit een man wiens wijsheid heeft hem toegewijde studenten in Noord-Amerika en wereldwijd. Dr. Michael Laitman is een wetenschapper, een Kabbalist, en een groot denker...

Regular Price: €9,95

Hitos en el camino; El desarrollo del alma en el cicle del año - eBook

Después de muchos años de estudio acerca del significado espiritual de las fiestas judías según l...

Después de muchos años de estudio acerca del significado espiritual de las fiestas judías según la sabiduría de la Cabalá, pensamos que era adecuado recopilar fragmentos de fuentes seleccionadas sobre el tema de los más grandes cabalistas de todas las generaciones, principalmente de Rav Yehuda Leib HaLeví Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), y de su hijo primogénito y sucesor, mi maestro, Rav Baruj Shalom HaLeví Ashlag (Rabash). “Hitos en el camino” fue compilado para allanar el camino para todos nuestros ...

Regular Price: €9,95

Holidays Package (eBook)

This holidays package includes three inspirational books:The Path of Kabbalah: Revealing the Hidd...

This holidays package includes three inspirational books:The Path of Kabbalah: Revealing the Hidden Wisdom: While the structure of reality and how we perceive it are at the surface of this book, it is the underlying story of the human soul that truly captivates us: this is about you and me, and all of us. It is about the way we were, the way we are, and the way we will be.The Secrets of the Eternal Book: the meaning of the stories of the Pentateuch: This book decodes some of the Bible’s most ...

Regular Price: €26,95

Humanity at a Crossroads (eBook)

The books in this package describe how millions of years of development on the levels of inanim...

The books in this package describe how millions of years of development on the levels of inanimate, vegetative, and animal degrees culminate in the human degree, requiring humankind to connect in a special way in order to harmonize with Nature’s laws and alleviate the increasingly persistent crises. These books explain how we can institute these changes, which are both necessary for the betterment of our situation, and not at all obvious to the human mind. Self-Interest vs. Altruism in t...

Regular Price: €38,95

Hовый мир: практическое руководство (E-Book)

Hовый мир: практическое руководство (E-Book)

Hовый мир: практическое руководство (E-Book)

Regular Price: €9,95

I Miracoli Possono Accadere: Racconti per bambini, ma non solo (eBook)

Per bambini di tutte le età: dieci incantevoli racconti che descrivono come i miracoli possono ac...

Per bambini di tutte le età: dieci incantevoli racconti che descrivono come i miracoli possono accadere quando apriamo gli occhi per la gioia e la bellezza che sentiamo quando siamo connessi agli altri.Questa ardente raccolta di storie per bambini crea un apprezzamento per i meravigliosi aspetti della Natura, rivelando la verità eterna secondo la quale solo insieme possiamo fare qualcosa di veramente meraviglioso.

Regular Price: €9,95

I Segreti del Libro Eterno (E-Book)

I Segreti del Libro Eterno decifra alcune delle epoche più enigmatiche, eppure più citate, della ...

I Segreti del Libro Eterno decifra alcune delle epoche più enigmatiche, eppure più citate, della Bibbia. Lo stile vivace, ma allo stesso tempo rilassato, dell’autore, porta dolcemente nella profondità della percezione, dove si cambia il proprio mondo semplicemente tramite la contemplazione ed il desiderio. Durante la lettura, ci si innalza, delicatamente, al di sopra del livello degli eventi fisici, come vengono descritti nella Bibbia, scoprendo il Faraone, Mosè, Adamo ed Eva dentro se stessi...

Regular Price: €9,95

İBRAHİM’İN SAVAŞI - Alegorik Bir Roman (E-Book)

Semion Vinokur, seksenden fazla film ve belgeselin yazarı, senaristi, yönetmeni ve yapımcısıdır. ...

Semion Vinokur, seksenden fazla film ve belgeselin yazarı, senaristi, yönetmeni ve yapımcısıdır. On iki uluslararası festivalde, en iyi belgesel dalında ödül kazanan Vinokur, İsrail Sinema Akademisi’nin, en iyi uzun metrajlı film senaryosu dalında birincilik ödülüne layık görülmüştür. İbrahim’in Savaşı, insanlık tarihinin en ünlü kahramanlarından biri olan İbrahim’in, hayatının ilk yıllarındaki dramatik olayları roman halinde derleme çalışmasıdır. Aynı zamanda, her birimiz hakkında derin bir ...

Regular Price: €9,95

Il kabbalista (E-Book)

Il kabbalista: La storia della personalità più misteriosa del ventesimo secoloQuesto libro parla ...

Il kabbalista: La storia della personalità più misteriosa del ventesimo secoloQuesto libro parla della vita di Yehuda Ashlag, noto anche con il nome di Baal HaSulam (Il Padrone della Scala), uno dei più grandi kabbalisti di tutti i tempi. Baal HaSulam ha asceso tutti i 125 livelli del percorso spirituale.Ha raggiunto una connessione totale con il potere che governa il mondo. È vissuto nel XX secolo e ha previsto tutto quello che sarebbe successo. Ha desiderato ardentemente di salvare l’umanit...

Regular Price: €9,95

Il Libro dei Salmi (E-Book)

Il Libro dei Salmi può essere visto in tre modi fondamentali. Per molti, è un libro di centocinqu...

Il Libro dei Salmi può essere visto in tre modi fondamentali. Per molti, è un libro di centocinquanta poesie scritte splendidamente. Per alcuni, è l'eredità del re più potente che abbia mai governato. E per altri, è la loro connessione con Dio. In questa traduzione del Libro dei Salmi, il vostro compito non sarà comprendere le parole, ma quello di scegliere come guardarle.

Regular Price: €9,95


İLİŞKİLER (E-Book)Bilim ve kültürün gelişiminin yanı sıra, her nesil kendinden sonra gelen nesle,...

İLİŞKİLER (E-Book)Bilim ve kültürün gelişiminin yanı sıra, her nesil kendinden sonra gelen nesle, biriktirdiği ortak insanlık tecrübesini aktarır. Bu bellek bir nesilden diğerine, çürümüş bir tohumun enerjisinin yeni bir filize geçmesi gibi geçer. Belleğin aktarımında var olan tek şey, Reşimo veya enerjidir. Maddenin çürümesi gibi, insan bedeni de çürür ve tüm bilgi yükselen ruha aktarılır. Daha sonra bu ruh yeni bedene yerleşir ve bu bilgiyi veya Reşimo‟yu hatırlar.

Regular Price: €9,95


"Immer mit mir" ist mehr als eine Erinnerung an meinen Lehrer. Es ist sowohl eine Darstellung ein...

"Immer mit mir" ist mehr als eine Erinnerung an meinen Lehrer. Es ist sowohl eine Darstellung eines spirituellen Weges als auch ein intimer Bericht über einen großen Kabbalisten Das Buch beschreibt die Entstehung und die Entwicklung der persönlichen Beziehung zwischen einem Lehrer und seinem hingebungsvollen Schüler durch das gemeinsame Studium.Durch die Kombination tiefer Verbundenheit, Unterstützung und Ablehnung, Konflikt und Hingabe, Auf- und Abstiege vermittelte RABASH mir die Weisheit d...

Regular Price: €9,95

Incontrare la Kabbalah (E-Book)

Ecco un libro per tutti coloro che sono alla ricerca di risposte alle domande essenziali della vi...

Ecco un libro per tutti coloro che sono alla ricerca di risposte alle domande essenziali della vita. Si compone di quattro parti. La prima tratta di come è stata scoperta, sviluppata e infine criptata la saggezza della Kabbalah. La seconda illustra l’essenza della saggezza della Kabbalah,con l’aiuto di efficaci schemi per aiutarci a capire la struttura dei mondi spirituali. La terza parte rivela concetti kabbalistici che sono in gran parte sconosciuti al grande pubblico (ad esempio: il Creato...

Regular Price: €9,95

Integral Education Package (eBook)

When we balance our lives with the laws of Nature, suffering disappears and all the best is readi...

When we balance our lives with the laws of Nature, suffering disappears and all the best is readily available. The books in this package detail the method of harmonizing with these laws. Connected—by Nature’s Law is an innovative book on social awareness. Presenting a comprehensive picture of reality and the process that humanity is undergoing, the book offers tools for using the major personal and social shifts we’re going through to our benefit.The Psychology of the Integral Society continu...

Regular Price: €38,95

Integrándonos (E-Book)

Últimamente estamos cada vez más interconectados. Nuestra creciente interdependencia da lugar a l...

Últimamente estamos cada vez más interconectados. Nuestra creciente interdependencia da lugar a la fundación de comunidades sociales, que son el refl ejo de un nuevo deseo que se está despertando – un deseo de conexión mutua, un deseo de estar unidos. Por lo tanto, trabajando en común, cultivando el deseo de unión, podremos construir un entorno que tiene por meta la conexión entre nosotros. Si adquirimos la consciencia sobre la raíz de nuestros sentimientos, nuestros pensamientos y nuestra co...

Regular Price: €9,95

INTENTION BOOK - Kabbalah Congress (BUFFALO 2009) (E-Book)

When you are sitting at the lesson, you experience internal changes that are connected with the c...

When you are sitting at the lesson, you experience internal changes that are connected with the common spirit that is born because of others who study along with you. Everyone, including you, connect to the Source that unites you all together... As we study together, all of us must try to connect with one another during the lesson. The important thing is that everyone connects to the same Source, to the same idea...Only this power can correct us.

Regular Price: €9,95

INTENTION BOOK - Kabbalah Congress (New York 2009)(E-Book)

INTENTION BOOK - Kabbalah Congress (New York 2009)(E-Book)Intention Book from New York 2009 Congr...

INTENTION BOOK - Kabbalah Congress (New York 2009)(E-Book)Intention Book from New York 2009 Congress.

Regular Price: €9,95

INTENTION BOOK - Kabbalah Congress (ST. Louis)(E-Book)

To The Congress AttendeesDear friends,The Creator is setting a special task before us today:1. To...

To The Congress AttendeesDear friends,The Creator is setting a special task before us today:1. To unite all of us into one, integral desire for Him.2. To reveal the goal of creation to the world.He is inviting us to be the chosen people, His representatives in correcting the world. We must set an example of the correct society to the world so that He can reveal Himself inside this society. All of the symptoms of the global crisis clearly show humanity that it’s necessary to unite, and we are ...

Regular Price: €9,95

INTENTION BOOK - Living In Unity (New York 2008) (E-Book)

INTENTION BOOK - Living In Unity (New York 2008) (E-Book)Living In Unity - Intention book from Ne...

INTENTION BOOK - Living In Unity (New York 2008) (E-Book)Living In Unity - Intention book from New York 2008 North American Congress

Regular Price: €9,95

INTENTION BOOK - The Next Step (2005 NA Congress) (E-Book)

INTENTION BOOK - The Next Step (2005 NA Congress) (E-Book)Intention Booklet, Fall North American ...

INTENTION BOOK - The Next Step (2005 NA Congress) (E-Book)Intention Booklet, Fall North American Congress 2005.

Regular Price: €9,95

INTENTION HANDBOOK - NA Congress (Spring 2005) (E-Book)

INTENTION HANDBOOK - NA Congress (Spring 2005) (E-Book)Intention Handbook from Spring 2005 North ...

INTENTION HANDBOOK - NA Congress (Spring 2005) (E-Book)Intention Handbook from Spring 2005 North American Congress.

Regular Price: €9,95

INTERES WŁASNY VS. ALTRUIZM W EPOCE GLOBALNEJ (E-Book) W jaki sposób społeczeństwo może przekszta...

„Interes własny vs. altruizm w epoce globalnej”prezentuje nowe spojrzenie na wyzwania, przed któr...

„Interes własny vs. altruizm w epoce globalnej”prezentuje nowe spojrzenie na wyzwania, przed którymi stoi obecnie cały świat. Dr Laitman demonstruje czytelnikowi fakty przemawiające za tym, iż problemy świata są bezpośrednią konsekwencją rosnącego egoizmu człowieka. W tym kontekście autor sugeruje sposoby wykorzystania naszego ego dla dobra całego społeczeństwa, a nie tylko dla osiągnięcia własnej korzyści.Początkowe rozdziały książki oferują unikalny wgląd w zrozumienie faktu samego istnieni...

Regular Price: €9,95

Interesse Próprio vs. Altruísmo (E-Book)

Interesse Próprio vs. Altruísmo na Era Global apresenta uma nova perspectiva sobre os desafios qu...

Interesse Próprio vs. Altruísmo na Era Global apresenta uma nova perspectiva sobre os desafios que o mundo enfrenta atualmente. Dr. Laitman mostra ao leitor que os problemas do mundo são consequência do egoísmo crescente da humanidade. Neste espírito, o livro sugere formas de usar nossos egos para benefício da sociedade, ao invés de meramente para nosso interesse próprio.Os primeiros capítulos oferecem um entendimento único da existência da humanidade neste planeta e como nosso egoísmo coleti...

Regular Price: €9,95

Introdução à Sabedoria da Cabalá (E-Book)

Escrito em linguagem simples, direta e clara, o livro Introdução à Sabedoria da Cabalá tem como o...

Escrito em linguagem simples, direta e clara, o livro Introdução à Sabedoria da Cabalá tem como objetivo introduzir conceitos importantes da Cabalá, facilitando desta maneira o início dos estudos desta sabedoria. O livro divide-se em 3 Unidades de Estudo, com lições que contém a explicação do tópico, terminologia da Cabalá, perguntas e respostas, e um rápido teste de verificação. O livro Introdução à Sabedoria da Cabalá é indispensável a todos que estão iniciando os estudos ou que tem cur...

Regular Price: €9,95

Introducción a la Sabiduría de la Cabalá (E-Book)

El curso "Introducción a la sabiduría de la Cabalá" es un curso de fundamentos de estudio de la s...

El curso "Introducción a la sabiduría de la Cabalá" es un curso de fundamentos de estudio de la sabiduría de la Cabalá. El curso presenta al estudiante las diferentes facetas de estudio de la sabiduría, adaptadas a quien hace sus primeros pasos en este estudio. Entre otras cosas, aprenderemos en el curso los siguientes temas: ¿Qué es la sabiduría de la Cabalá?, la percepción de la realidad, el libre albedrío, la estructura de los mundos espirituales, el alma del primer hombre, las diez Sefiro...

Regular Price: €9,95

Introduction to the Book of Zohar (E-book)

Introduction to the Zohar is the second in a series written by Kabbalist and scientist Rav Michae...

Introduction to the Zohar is the second in a series written by Kabbalist and scientist Rav Michael Laitman, which will prepare readers to understand the hidden message of "The Zohar".Among the many helpful topics dealt with in this companion text to The Science of Kabbalah, readers are introduced to the 'language of root and branch', without which the stories in the Zohar are mere fable and legend. Introduction to the Zohar will certainly furnish readers with the necessary tools to understand...

Regular Price: €9,95

Introduction to the Book of Zohar (ePub)

Introduction to the Zohar is the second in a series written by Kabbalist and scientist Rav Michae...

Introduction to the Zohar is the second in a series written by Kabbalist and scientist Rav Michael Laitman, which will prepare readers to understand the hidden message of "The Zohar". Among the many helpful topics dealt with in this companion text to The Science of Kabbalah, readers are introduced to the 'language of root and branch', without which the stories in the Zohar are mere fable and legend.Introduction to the Zohar is the second in a series written by Kabbalist and scientist Rav Mich...

Regular Price: €9,95

Introduction to the Book of Zohar (Kindle)

Introduction to the Zohar is the second in a series written by Kabbalist and scientist Rav Michae...

Introduction to the Zohar is the second in a series written by Kabbalist and scientist Rav Michael Laitman, which will prepare readers to understand the hidden message of "The Zohar". Among the many helpful topics dealt with in this companion text to The Science of Kabbalah, readers are introduced to the 'language of root and branch', without which the stories in the Zohar are mere fable and legend.Introduction to the Zohar is the second in a series written by Kabbalist and scientist Rav Mich...

Regular Price: €9,95

Introduction to the Book of Zohar (PDF)

Introduction to the Zohar is the second in a series written by Kabbalist and scientist Rav Michae...

Introduction to the Zohar is the second in a series written by Kabbalist and scientist Rav Michael Laitman, which will prepare readers to understand the hidden message of "The Zohar". Among the many helpful topics dealt with in this companion text to The Science of Kabbalah, readers are introduced to the 'language of root and branch', without which the stories in the Zohar are mere fable and legend.Introduction to the Zohar is the second in a series written by Kabbalist and scientist Rav Mich...

Regular Price: €9,95

Introduction To The Wisdom Of Kabbalah (E-book)

Introduction to the Wisdom of Kabbalah is an introductory course in Kabbalah’s fundamentals.The b...

Introduction to the Wisdom of Kabbalah is an introductory course in Kabbalah’s fundamentals.The book introduces Kabbalah beginners to every area of the wisdom, including what it is, Kabbalistic language, perception of reality, freedom of choice, the structure of the spiritual worlds, the soul of Adam HaRishon, the ten Sefirot, the influence of the environment, and more.Considering the special nature of the study of the wisdom of Kabbalah, the purpose of Introduction to Kabbalah is not only to...

Regular Price: €9,95

Introduzione Alla Saggezza Della Cabala

Introduzione Alla Saggezza Della Cabala (E-Book)

Introduzione Alla Saggezza Della Cabala (E-Book)

Regular Price: €9,95

Introduzione alla Saggezza della Kabbalah (E-Book)

Ci troviamo all’inizio di un processo il cui stadio finale, la Saggezza della Kabbalah, occuperà ...

Ci troviamo all’inizio di un processo il cui stadio finale, la Saggezza della Kabbalah, occuperà un posto centrale nella vita di ogni persona nel mondo come metodo per risolvere i problemi globali e personali sempre più gravosi.Il motivo di quanto affermato risiede nell’essenza della Saggezza della Kabbalah: essa è la scienza che indaga le leggi che governano l’intero creato, leggi nascoste, e proprio perché sconosciute, causa di contrasti che innescano reazioni avverse e negative.L’essenza d...

Regular Price: €9,95

Introduzione Alla Zaggezza Della Cabala (PDF)

Introduzione Alla Zaggezza Della Cabala (PDF)

Introduzione Alla Zaggezza Della Cabala (PDF)

Regular Price: €9,95

Iš chaoso į harmoniją (E-Book)

Visi neigiami mūsų gyvenimo reiškiniai yra gamtos dėsnių nepaisymo rezultatas. Mes aiškiai supran...

Visi neigiami mūsų gyvenimo reiškiniai yra gamtos dėsnių nepaisymo rezultatas. Mes aiškiai suprantame, jog kvaila šokti nuo stogo viliantis, kad žemės traukos dėsnis nesuveiks. Tačiau paprastas faktas, jog visuomenės gyvenimą valdo tokie patys absoliutūs gamtos dėsniai, mums toli gražu nėra iki galo aiškus. Todėl šiandien turime suprasti, kuo prieštaraujame išmintingiems gamtos dėsniams, ir rasti būdą darniai egzistuoti. Viskas priklauso tik nuo mūsų įsisąmoninimo: juo geriau suprasime natūra...

Regular Price: €9,95

Iš chaoso į harmoniją (PDF)

Visi neigiami mūsų gyvenimo reiškiniai yra gamtos dėsnių nepaisymo rezultatas. Mes aiškiai supran...

Visi neigiami mūsų gyvenimo reiškiniai yra gamtos dėsnių nepaisymo rezultatas. Mes aiškiai suprantame, jog kvaila šokti nuo stogo viliantis, kad žemės traukos dėsnis nesuveiks. Tačiau paprastas faktas, jog visuomenės gyvenimą valdo tokie patys absoliutūs gamtos dėsniai, mums toli gražu nėra iki galo aiškus. Todėl šiandien turime suprasti, kuo prieštaraujame išmintingiems gamtos dėsniams, ir rasti būdą darniai egzistuoti. Viskas priklauso tik nuo mūsų įsisąmoninimo: juo geriau suprasime natūra...

Regular Price: €9,95

Jewish Self-Hatred: The Enemy Within (eBook)

Jewish Self-Hatred: The Enemy Within is a groundbreaking exploration of a rarely discussed yet wi...

Jewish Self-Hatred: The Enemy Within is a groundbreaking exploration of a rarely discussed yet widely felt phenomenon: self-hatred among Jews. From the depths of our history to the present day, this book delves into the complex reasons behind this pervasive phenomenon and its impact on Jewish identity. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of Jewish history and culture, bestselling author Dr. Michael Laitman investigates the roots of self-hatred, explains its prevalence among Je...

Regular Price: €9,95


En Juntos por siempre, el autor nos dice que si somos pacientes y superamos las pruebas que se no...

En Juntos por siempre, el autor nos dice que si somos pacientes y superamos las pruebas que se nos presentan a lo largo de nuestra vida, nos convertiremos en personas más fuertes, más valientes y más sabias. En vez de hacernos más débiles, aprenderemos a crear nuestra propia magia y nuestras propias maravillas, de manera que sólo un mago lo puede hacer. En este tierno y cálido relato, el Dr. Michael Laitman comparte con los niños y padres de familia algunos de los tesoros y encantos del mundo...

Regular Price: €9,95

JUNTOS POR SIEMPRE; La historia acerca del mago que no quería estar solo (PDF)

En Juntos por siempre, el autor nos dice que si somos pacientes y superamos las pruebas que se no...

En Juntos por siempre, el autor nos dice que si somos pacientes y superamos las pruebas que se nos presentan a lo largo de nuestra vida, nos convertiremos en personas más fuertes, más valientes y más sabias. En vez de hacernos más débiles, aprenderemos a crear nuestra propia magia y nuestras propias maravillas, de manera que sólo un mago lo puede hacer. En este tierno y cálido relato, el Dr. Michael Laitman comparte con los niños y padres de familia algunos de los tesoros y encantos del mundo...

Regular Price: €9,95

Kabala pro začátečníky Svazek 1 (E-Book)

Kabala pro začátečníky Svazek 1Nabízíme Vám nový učební materiál, který vznikal pod vedením vědce...

Kabala pro začátečníky Svazek 1Nabízíme Vám nový učební materiál, který vznikal pod vedením vědce-kabalisty, profesora (PhD), vedoucího Mezinárodní akademie kabaly Michaela Laitmana, následovníka klasické kabalistické školy, která je starší více jak jedno tisíciletí. Zároveň Michael Laitman vede moderní zkoumání v oblasti tohoto učení, které obdržely mezinárodní uznání, je členem Mezinárodní rady mudrců (World Wisdom Council) a ve spoustě dalších mezinárodních organizací. Při vytváření učebni...

Regular Price: €9,95

Kabala Základní principy (E-Book)

Kabalista je člověk, který navenek vypadá jako kdokoliv jiný. Kabalista nemusí být chytrý, ani vz...

Kabalista je člověk, který navenek vypadá jako kdokoliv jiný. Kabalista nemusí být chytrý, ani vzdělaný. Z jeho vzezření se nedá nic poznat. Je to obyčejný člověk, který skrze studium kabaly získal „šestý smysl“, čili schopnost vnímat skryté části světa. Kabalista může díky tomuto smyslu vnímat celé universum, vidět jak náš, tak duchovní svět jako hmatatelnou realitu. Běžný člověk vnímá pouze střípek z vesmíru kolem nás a tento střípek nazývá „náš svět“. Kabalista ale vnímá celé universum.Opa...

Regular Price: €9,95


KABALANIN İFŞASI (E-Book)Bu kitap Kabala İlmini öğrenmeye yeni başlayan insanlar için düzenlenmiş...

KABALANIN İFŞASI (E-Book)Bu kitap Kabala İlmini öğrenmeye yeni başlayan insanlar için düzenlenmiş çok özel bir eğitim setini içermektedir. Başlangıçta bir eğitim seti olarak düşünülen bu dizi aynı zamanda video serisi olarakta düzenlenip bir çok dilde yayınlanmıştır. Bu yüzden ders metinlerinde yer alan konuşma metinleri yapılan video çalışmasına yönelik sonradan eklenmiştir.

Regular Price: €9,95

Kabalas atklāšana (E-Book)

Es nolēmu uzrakstīt grāmatu “Kabalas atklāšana”, lai attēlotu šo zinātni kā dzīves gudrības avotu...

Es nolēmu uzrakstīt grāmatu “Kabalas atklāšana”, lai attēlotu šo zinātni kā dzīves gudrības avotu, kas tūksto- šiem gadu garumā pierādījusi savu vērtību. Būtībā tieši patlaban kabala kā garīgs un praktisks dzīves ceļvedis ir aktuāla kā vēl nekad. Grāmata jums pastāstīs, kas patiesībā ir šī senā zi- nātne: kur ir tās pirmsākums, kā tā attīstījusies un mūs- dienās kalpo mums visiem par avotu un ceļvedi, palīdzot pārliecināti dzīvot un gūt panākumus mūsdienu mainīgajā pasaulē. Līdztekus šī grāma...

Regular Price: €9,95

Kabala’nın Gizli Bilgeliği (E-Book)

Şüphesiz ki bilim dünyada muazzam bir ilerleme sağlamıştır, fakat bu sınırlıdır. Bilimsel aletler...

Şüphesiz ki bilim dünyada muazzam bir ilerleme sağlamıştır, fakat bu sınırlıdır. Bilimsel aletler insanın iç dünyasını, ruhunu, davranışlarını ve motivasyon kaynaklarını ölçemez. Yaratılışın en ana öğesi olan insan, bu evrendeki rolüne dair hâlâ bilgisiz bırakılmış durumdadır.Doğanın kanunları, dünyadaki yerimiz ve davranışlarımız bilim insanları ve felsefeciler tarafından binlerce yıldan beri incelenmiştir.Mantıki varsayımlarla beraber bilim nicel olabilir verilerden ve araştırmalardan yarar...

Regular Price: €9,95

Kabala’nın Temel Kavramları (E-Book)

Kabala’nın Temel Kavramları (E-Book)Kalbini hafifçe bana açSana dünyayı ifşa edeceğimZOHAR KİTABI...

Kabala’nın Temel Kavramları (E-Book)Kalbini hafifçe bana açSana dünyayı ifşa edeceğimZOHAR KİTABI Ben kimim? Neden varım? Nereden geldik? Nereye gidiyoruz? Ve buradaki amacımız nedir? Daha önce bu dünyada bulunduk mu? Bu dünyada neden acı var ve ondan kaçabilir miyiz? Huzuru, doyumu ve mutluluğu nasıl elde edeceğiz? Kuşaktan kuşağa insanlar bu acı dolu, ısrarlı sorulara cevap bulmaya çalışırlar. Onların kuşaktan kuşağa devam etmiş olmaları gerçeği, bizim bunlar için tatmin ed...

Regular Price: €9,95

Kabała ujawniona (E-Book) - Prosty osobisty przewodnik do uzyskania spokojniejszego życia

Zdecydowałem się napisać tę książkę, aby przedstawić Kabałę jako źródło żywej mądrości, która już...

Zdecydowałem się napisać tę książkę, aby przedstawić Kabałę jako źródło żywej mądrości, która już od tysięcy lat udowadnia swoją wartość. Będąc zarówno duchowym, jak i praktycznym przewodnikiem w życiu człowieka, Kabała jest teraz bardziej aktualna niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej.Niniejsza książka opowiada prawdziwą historię Kabały – jakie miała początki, jak ewoluowała oraz w jaki sposób obecnie służy jako źródło wskazówek dla nas wszystkich, pomagając w spokojnym życiu i duchowym rozwoju w dzisi...

Regular Price: €9,95


Woher komme ich und wohin gehe ich?War ich schon einmal hier?Warum bin ich hier?Woher komme ich u...

Woher komme ich und wohin gehe ich?War ich schon einmal hier?Warum bin ich hier?Woher komme ich und wohin gehe ich?War ich schon einmal hier?Warum bin ich hier?Kann ich die gesamte Wirklichkeitund den Sinn des Lebens verstehen?Wie kann ich nicht nur Leid vermeiden, sondern auch wahrhaft glücklich und zufrieden werden?Die größten Kabbalisten unserer Zeit, Rav Yehuda Ashlag, Autor des Sulam Kommentars zum Buch Sohar und sein Sohn und Nachfolger, Rav Baruch Ashlag bieten wertvolle und verständli...

Regular Price: €9,95

KABBALA FÜR ANFÄNGER by Rav Michael Laitman PhD (PDF)

Woher komme ich und wohin gehe ich?War ich schon einmal hier?Warum bin ich hier?Woher komme ich u...

Woher komme ich und wohin gehe ich?War ich schon einmal hier?Warum bin ich hier?Woher komme ich und wohin gehe ich?War ich schon einmal hier?Warum bin ich hier?Kann ich die gesamte Wirklichkeit und den Sinn des Lebens verstehen?Wie kann ich nicht nur Leid vermeiden, sondern auch wahrhaft glücklich und zufrieden werden?Die größten Kabbalisten unserer Zeit, Rav Yehuda Ashlag, Autor des Sulam Kommentars zum Buch Sohar und sein Sohn und Nachfolger, Rav Baruch Ashlag bieten wertvolle und verständl...

Regular Price: €9,95

Kabbala kezdőknek

Kabbala kezdőknek: A Kabbala története, tanai és jelenkori alkalmazása (E-Book)Michael Laitmantud...

Kabbala kezdőknek: A Kabbala története, tanai és jelenkori alkalmazása (E-Book)Michael Laitmantudós, tanár, a Kabbala tanításával és terjesztésével foglalkozó Bnéj BaruchIntézet alapító igazgatója. Doktori címét filozófiából, diplomáját orvosikibernetikából szerezte Szentpéterváron. Kutatómunkája során azonban számosolyan kérdésre bukkant, amelyekre a tudomány segítségével nem kapott választ, ígytanulmányait a Kabbala forrásvidékén, Izraelben folytatta tovább, ahol a híresBaruch Áslág rabbi (...

Regular Price: €9,95

KABBALAH AND RELATIONSHIP - Quotes on the nature and importance of relationships (ePub)

The study of Kabbalah is the study of the relationship between the vessel and the light and how t...

The study of Kabbalah is the study of the relationship between the vessel and the light and how to transform this inner opposition into one of mutual support, a shared embrace consisting of the singular force of love.The study of Kabbalah is the study of the relationship between the vessel and the light and how to transform this inner opposition into one of mutual support, a shared embrace consisting of the singular force of love. Our relationships in this world reflect the underlying structu...

Regular Price: €9,95

KABBALAH AND RELATIONSHIP - Quotes on the nature and importance of relationships (Mobi)

The study of Kabbalah is the study of the relationship between the vessel and the light and how t...

The study of Kabbalah is the study of the relationship between the vessel and the light and how to transform this inner opposition into one of mutual support, a shared embrace consisting of the singular force of love.The study of Kabbalah is the study of the relationship between the vessel and the light and how to transform this inner opposition into one of mutual support, a shared embrace consisting of the singular force of love. Our relationships in this world reflect the underlying structu...

Regular Price: €9,95

KABBALAH AND RELATIONSHIP - Quotes on the nature and importance of relationships (PDF)

The study of Kabbalah is the study of the relationship between the vessel and the light and how t...

The study of Kabbalah is the study of the relationship between the vessel and the light and how to transform this inner opposition into one of mutual support, a shared embrace consisting of the singular force of love.The study of Kabbalah is the study of the relationship between the vessel and the light and how to transform this inner opposition into one of mutual support, a shared embrace consisting of the singular force of love. Our relationships in this world reflect the underlying structu...

Regular Price: €9,95

Kabbalah for Beginners (E-book)

Kabbalah for Beginners, an extended version of Kabbalah Revealed, is a book for everyone who is s...

Kabbalah for Beginners, an extended version of Kabbalah Revealed, is a book for everyone who is seeking answers to life's essential questions. We all have problems; we want to know why we are here, why there is pain and how we can make life more enjoyable.The four parts of this book tell us exactly how the wisdom of Kabbalah came about, who discovered and developed it, and what they discovered. Afterward, the book tells us about the world we live in and finally, it explains how we can make ou...

Regular Price: €9,95

Kabbalah for Beginners (kindle)

Kabbalah for Beginners, an extended version of Kabbalah Revealed, is a book for everyone who is s...

Kabbalah for Beginners, an extended version of Kabbalah Revealed, is a book for everyone who is seeking answers to life's essential questions.Kabbalah for Beginners, an extended version of Kabbalah Revealed, is a book for everyone who is seeking answers to life's essential questions. We all have problems; we want to know why we are here, why there is pain and how we can make life more enjoyable. The four parts of this book tell us exactly how the wisdom of Kabbalah came about, who discovered ...

Regular Price: €9,95

Kabbalah for Beginners (PDF)

Kabbalah for Beginners, an extended version of Kabbalah Revealed, is a book for everyone who is s...

Kabbalah for Beginners, an extended version of Kabbalah Revealed, is a book for everyone who is seeking answers to life's essential questions.Kabbalah for Beginners, an extended version of Kabbalah Revealed, is a book for everyone who is seeking answers to life's essential questions. We all have problems; we want to know why we are here, why there is pain and how we can make life more enjoyable. The four parts of this book tell us exactly how the wisdom of Kabbalah came about, who discovered ...

Regular Price: €9,95

Kabbalah for the Nation by Multiple authors (קבלה לעם - הספר ) (PDF)

A collection of the best articles published over the past year in the paper Kabbalah La'Am (Kabba...

A collection of the best articles published over the past year in the paper Kabbalah La'Am (Kabbalah for the Nation), combining stories, personal columns, and articles that will provide a unique reading experience.For the first time ever, questions concerning reincarnation, spiritual education, and the Kabbalistic meaning of the Jewish holidays are being answered, along with explanation about how Kabbalah can enrich and enhance our lives אוסף של מיטב הכתבות שפורסמו במהלך השנה האחרונה בעיתון "...

Regular Price: €9,95