A Very Narrow Bridge (E-Book)

Hardly anyone remains impartial upon hearing the words “the wisdom of Kabbalah.” One may mock it ...

Hardly anyone remains impartial upon hearing the words “the wisdom of Kabbalah.” One may mock it as esoteric nonsense, another might speak its praises and tell stories of formidable, enigmatic people who can set fire to people or turn them into a heap of bones with their very gaze, while yet another might mention secret, shady societies.The authentic wisdom of Kabbalah had been concealed for two millennia. Over the centuries, so many myths, misunderstandings, and misinterpretations of it have...

Regular Price: €9,95

Kabbalistic Hebrew (eBook)

This package provides you with the foundation for the study of Kabbalah.A Guide to the Hidden Wis...

This package provides you with the foundation for the study of Kabbalah.A Guide to the Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah provides all the information you need to learn the basics of Kabbalah, as well as much needed suggestions for employing this age-old science to your day-to-day life.The Book of Zohar (The Book of Radiance) is an ageless source of wisdom and the basis for all Kabbalistic literature. Since its appearance nearly 2,000 years ago, it has been the primary, and often only, source used by ...

Regular Price: €18,95

O Livro dos Salmos

Existem três maneiras principais de se olhar para o Livro dos Salmos. Para muitos é um livro de c...

Existem três maneiras principais de se olhar para o Livro dos Salmos. Para muitos é um livro de cento e cinquenta poemas lindamente escritos. Para alguns é o legado do rei mais poderoso que já governou. E para outros é a conexão com Deus. Nesta tradução do Livro dos Salmos entender as palavras não será seu trabalho, escolher a maneira de olhá-los, sim.

Regular Price: €11,95

Passover (Pesach) (E-Book)

The Passover Haggadah and a collection of articles by Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal Hasulam...

The Passover Haggadah and a collection of articles by Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal Hasulam) & Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (Rabash) on the Holiday of Pesach.

Regular Price: €9,95

The Kabbalah Experience (E-book)

Never has the language of Kabbalah been as clear and accessible as it is here, in this compelling...

Never has the language of Kabbalah been as clear and accessible as it is here, in this compelling, informative collection.The depth of wisdom revealed in the questions and answers of this book will inspire reflection and contemplation. Readers will also begin to experience a growing sense of enlightenment while simply absorbing the words on every page. The Kabbalah Experience is a guide from the past to the future, revealing situations that all students of Kabbalah will experience at some poi...

Regular Price: €9,95

The Kabbalah Experience (eBook)

This package contains:From Chaos to Harmony: The Solution to the Global Crisis According to the W...

This package contains:From Chaos to Harmony: The Solution to the Global Crisis According to the Wisdom of Kabbalah reveals the factors contributing to the perilous state in which we find our world today. The book contains two parts. First, an analysis of the human soul and how the soul's own structure is its bane. The book also maps out what we need to do to once again be happy, and what we should avoid because it would worsen our suffering.Awakening to Kabbalah: The Guiding Light of Spiritua...

Regular Price: €18,95

The Writings of Baal HaSulam – Volume One (E-Book)

For the first time, we are seeing the publication of the essential writings of the greatest Kabba...

For the first time, we are seeing the publication of the essential writings of the greatest Kabbalist of the 20 th century, Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (1885-1954), also known as Baal HaSulam [author of the Sulam (Ladder commentary on The Zohar)].The Writings of Baal HaSulam contains all the texts required for any person interested in learning the wisdom of Kabbalah. The book contains all of Baal HaSulam’s introductions and forewords, all his essays, letters, the articles contained in the b...

Regular Price: €9,95

The Writings of Baal HaSulam – Volume Two (E-Book)

For the first time, we are seeing the publication of the essential writings of the greatest Kabba...

For the first time, we are seeing the publication of the essential writings of the greatest Kabbalist of the 20 th century, Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (1885-1954), also known as Baal HaSulam [author of the Sulam (Ladder commentary on The Zohar)].The Writings of Baal HaSulam contains all the texts required for any person interested in learning the wisdom of Kabbalah. The book contains all of Baal HaSulam’s introductions and forewords, all his essays, letters, the articles contained in the b...

Regular Price: €9,95

The Writings of RABASH - Assorted Notes - Volume Seven (E-Book)

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav ...

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar, provide us with insights that connect the wisdom of Kabbalah to our human experience.These books disclose the profound knowledge of human nature that the RABASH possessed, and take us on a journey to our own souls. As we absorb the texts, we find that Kabbalah is not some cryptic occultism, but ...

Regular Price: €9,95

The Writings of RABASH - Assorted Notes - Volume Six (E-Book)

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav ...

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar, provide us with insights that connect the wisdom of Kabbalah to our human experience.These books disclose the profound knowledge of human nature that the RABASH possessed, and take us on a journey to our own souls. As we absorb the texts, we find that Kabbalah is not some cryptic occultism, but ...

Regular Price: €9,95

The Writings of RABASH - Essays - Volume Five (E-Book)

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav ...

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar, provide us with insights that connect the wisdom of Kabbalah to our human experience.These books disclose the profound knowledge of human nature that the RABASH possessed, and take us on a journey to our own souls. As we absorb the texts, we find that Kabbalah is not some cryptic occultism, but ...

Regular Price: €9,95

The Writings of RABASH - Essays - Volume Four (E-Book)

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav ...

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar, provide us with insights that connect the wisdom of Kabbalah to our human experience.These books disclose the profound knowledge of human nature that the RABASH possessed, and take us on a journey to our own souls. As we absorb the texts, we find that Kabbalah is not some cryptic occultism, but ...

Regular Price: €9,95

The Writings of RABASH - Essays - Volume Three (E-Book)

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav ...

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar, provide us with insights that connect the wisdom of Kabbalah to our human experience.These books disclose the profound knowledge of human nature that the RABASH possessed, and take us on a journey to our own souls. As we absorb the texts, we find that Kabbalah is not some cryptic occultism, but ...

Regular Price: €9,95

We Have Gathered Here (E-Book)

“We have gathered here to establish a society for all who wish to follow the path and method of B...

“We have gathered here to establish a society for all who wish to follow the path and method of Baal HaSulam, the way by which to climb the degrees of man.” Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), Essay, “The Purpose of Society.”

Regular Price: €9,95

Вера выше знания

"Вера выше знания" означает, что каждый раз человек раздвигает в себе границы свойства отдачи, вы...

"Вера выше знания" означает, что каждый раз человек раздвигает в себе границы свойства отдачи, выхода из себя.Верой называется отдача – свойство Бины, свет Хасадим. Когда я нахожусь на любой духовной ступени, в любом состоянии, я расширяю свою возможность отдачи и любви. Это и называется "вера", которая начинает преобладать, превалировать над свойством получения – над эгоизмом.Знание – это свет, который мы получаем, то, что наполняет наши эгоистические желания. А вера – это свойство отдачи, у...

Regular Price: €14,95

Книга Псалмов

Псалмы царя ДавидаСуществует три основных подхода к Книге Псалмов. Для многих это книга из ста пя...

Псалмы царя ДавидаСуществует три основных подхода к Книге Псалмов. Для многих это книга из ста пятидесяти прекрасных лирических стихов. Для некоторых это - наследие самого могущественного царя всех времен. А для других - это связь с Творцом. В этом переводе Книги Псалмов главное - не понять слова, а выбрать, каким образом вы хотите ее воспринимать.

Regular Price: €11,95

Тора (Пятикнижие Моисея) и Афтарот - Иврит/Русский

Полное Пятикнижие Моисеево (Тора), прекрасно скомпонованное в одном томе, в новом современном пер...

Полное Пятикнижие Моисеево (Тора), прекрасно скомпонованное в одном томе, в новом современном переводе на русский язык. Легкая прочная бумага сохраняет качество при длительном использовании. Укрепленный переплет с использованием самых прочных материалов. Элегантные заголовки с позолотой. Прекрасный подарок.Тора написана в форме повествования, которое начинается с сотворения мира Творцом, рассказывает о становлении народа Израиля, его спуске в Египет, даровании Торы у горы Синай, и заканчивает...

Regular Price: €65,95