Rabash - The Social Writings (Kindle)

Rabash - The Social Writings (ePub)Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (“Rabash”) changed the course ...

Rabash - The Social Writings (ePub)Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (“Rabash”) changed the course of studying Kabbalah by integrating the concept of unity in our world to reach spiritual attainment. Rabash’s father and teacher was the great Kabbalist, Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag, (known as Baal HaSulam) who wrote commentary on The Book of Zohar. While Baal HaSulam gave us insight on the spiritual worlds, it was Rabash who articulated the human essence of Kabbalah for our generation. Rabash g...

Regular Price: €9,95

Kabbalah Revealed Interactive Part 1 (Epub)

Kabbalah Revealed Interactive Part 1 (Epub)This package provides you with the foundation for the ...

Kabbalah Revealed Interactive Part 1 (Epub)This package provides you with the foundation for the study of Kabbalah. Kabbalah for the Student is a collection of the most important articles in Kabbalah, and contains material for a lifetime of study. It is used virtually every day by all levels of students within Bnei Baruch.Attaining the Worlds Beyond takes one deep into the Kabbalistic concepts using language that speaks to our hearts today. It is a very personal journey, and each time you rea...

Regular Price: €28,95

The Zohar: annotations to the Ashlag Commentary (ePub)

The Book of Zohar (The Book of Radiance) is an ageless source of wisdom and the basis for all Kab...

The Book of Zohar (The Book of Radiance) is an ageless source of wisdom and the basis for all Kabbalistic literature.The Book of Zohar (The Book of Radiance) is an ageless source of wisdom and the basis for all Kabbalistic literature. Since its appearance nearly 2,000 years ago, it has been the primary, and often only, source used by Kabbalists.For centuries, Kabbalah was hidden from the public, which was considered not yet ready to receive it. However, our generation has been designated by K...

Regular Price: €9,95

Shamati (I Heard) (ePub)

Among all the texts and notes of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (the Rabash), there was one sp...

Among all the texts and notes of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (the Rabash), there was one special notebook he always carried.Among all the texts and notes of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (the Rabash), there was one special notebook he always carried. This notebook contained the transcripts of his conversations with his father, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Halevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar and of many other works on Kabbalah. Not feeling ...

Regular Price: €9,95

The Secrets of the Eternal Book (ePub)

The Secrets of the Eternal Book: the meaning of the stories of the Pentateuch (ePub)TheSecrets of...

The Secrets of the Eternal Book: the meaning of the stories of the Pentateuch (ePub)TheSecrets of the Eternal Book decodessome of the Bible’s most enigmatic, yet oft-cited epochs. The author’s livelyand easygoing style makes for a smooth entrance into the depths of perception,where one changes one’s world simply by contemplation and desire. Whilereading, you will gently rise beyond the level of physical events as they aredescribed in the Bible, and you will find Pharaoh, Moses, Adam and Eve t...

Regular Price: €9,95

Kabbalah Revealed Interactive Part 2 (Epub)

Kabbalah Revealed Interactive Part 2 (Epub) This package provides you with the foundation for the...

Kabbalah Revealed Interactive Part 2 (Epub) This package provides you with the foundation for the study of Kabbalah.A Guide to the Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah provides all the information you need to learn the basics of Kabbalah, as well as much needed suggestions for employing this age-old science to your day-to-day life.Shamati is an enduring legacy left to Dr. Laitman by his teacher, Rabash (Rabbi Baruch Ashlag). This compilation of conversations between Rabash and his father, Baal HaSulam p...

Regular Price: €18,95

The Psychology of the Integral Society (ePub)

The Psychology of the Integral Society (ePub)The Psychology of the Integral Society presents a re...

The Psychology of the Integral Society (ePub)The Psychology of the Integral Society presents a revolutionary approach to education. In an interconnected and interdependent world, teaching children to compete with their peers is as “wise” as teaching one’s left hand to outsmart its peer, the right hand. An integral society is one in which all the parts contribute to the well-being and success of the society. The society, in turn, is responsible and cares for the well-being and success of its e...

Regular Price: €9,95

Children of Tomorrow: guidelines for raising happy children in the 21st century (Kindle)

Children of Tomorrow: guidelines for raising happy children in the 21st century (ePub)Children of...

Children of Tomorrow: guidelines for raising happy children in the 21st century (ePub)Children of Tomorrow: Guidelines for Raising Happy Children in the 21st Century is a new beginning for you and your children. Imagine being able to hit the reboot button and get it right this time. No hassle, no stress, and best of all - no guessing. The big revelation is that raising kids is all about games and play, relating to them as small grownups, and making all major decisions together. You will be su...

Regular Price: €9,95

Unlocking the Zohar (ePub)

Unlocking the Zohar (ePub)The Book of Zohar (Book of Radiance), also known as, The Zohar, is one ...

Unlocking the Zohar (ePub)The Book of Zohar (Book of Radiance), also known as, The Zohar, is one of the most mysterious and misunderstood compositions ever written. The awe, admiration, and even fear it has evoked over the years are unsurpassed. This book contains the secrets of the whole of Creation, but until recently these secrets were shrouded in a cloud of mystery and misconceptions. Now The Zohar is openly unfolding its wisdom throughout the world, to show humanity a way forward, as the...

Regular Price: €9,95

Children of Tomorrow: guidelines for raising happy children in the 21st century (ePub)

Children of Tomorrow: guidelines for raising happy children in the 21st century (ePub)Children of...

Children of Tomorrow: guidelines for raising happy children in the 21st century (ePub)Children of Tomorrow: Guidelines for Raising Happy Children in the 21st Century is a new beginning for you and your children. Imagine being able to hit the reboot button and get it right this time. No hassle, no stress, and best of all - no guessing. The big revelation is that raising kids is all about games and play, relating to them as small grownups, and making all major decisions together. You will be su...

Regular Price: €9,95

The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha). Rav Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) Commentary by Rav Michael Lait...

The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha) is the first in a series of texts that Rav Michael Laitman, Kabb...

The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha) is the first in a series of texts that Rav Michael Laitman, Kabbalist and scientist, designed to introduce readers to the special language and terminology of the Kabbalah.The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha) is the first in a series of texts that Rav Michael Laitman, Kabbalist and scientist, designed to introduce readers to the special language and terminology of the Kabbalah. Here, Rav Laitman reveals authentic Kabbalah in a manner that is both rational and matur...

Regular Price: €9,95

Basic Concepts in Kabbalah (ePub)

By reading in this book, one develops internal observations and approaches that did not previousl...

By reading in this book, one develops internal observations and approaches that did not previously exist within. This book is intended for contemplation of spiritual terms.By reading in this book, one develops internal observations and approaches that did not previously exist within.This book is intended for contemplation of spiritual terms. To the extent that we are integrated with these terms, we begin to unveil the spiritual structure that surrounds us, almost as if a mist had been lifted....

Regular Price: €9,95

Gems of Wisdom: Words of the great Kabbalists from all generations (ePub)

Gems of Wisdom: words of the great Kabbalists from all generations is a collection of excerpts fr...

Gems of Wisdom: words of the great Kabbalists from all generations is a collection of excerpts from the writings of great Kabbalists from all generations, particularly the writings of Rav Yehuda Ashlag, author of the Sulam [Ladder] commentary of The Book of Zohar.Gems of Wisdom contains words of the great Kabbalists from all generations as a collection of excerpts from the writings of great Kabbalists from all generations, particularly the writings of Rav Yehuda Ashlag, author of the Sulam [L...

Regular Price: €9,95

Love of Friends (ePub)

Love of Friends (ePub)

Love of Friends (ePub)

Regular Price: €9,95

Like a Bundle of Reeds (ePub)

Like a Bundle of Reeds; Why Unity and Mutual Guarantee Are Today’s Call of the Hour (ePub)Like a ...

Like a Bundle of Reeds; Why Unity and Mutual Guarantee Are Today’s Call of the Hour (ePub)Like a Bundle of Reeds:why unity and mutual guarantee are today’scall of the hour sheds light on some of the Jews’ most daunting andmystifying questions: What is our role on this planet? Are we truly “the chosenpeople”? If we are, what were we chosen for? What is causing anti-Semitism, andcan it be cured? Using numerous quotes and references from Jewish sages andhistorians of all times, the book offers a...

Regular Price: €9,95

A Glimpse of Light: The Basics of the Wisdom of Kabbalah (ePub)

A Glimpse of Light: The Basics of the Wisdom of Kabbalah (ePub)A Glimpse of Light offers contempl...

A Glimpse of Light: The Basics of the Wisdom of Kabbalah (ePub)A Glimpse of Light offers contemplation from the ocean of wisdomcontained in the wisdom of Kabbalah, touching upon topics such as pleasure,ego, love, men and women, education, Nature, The Book of Zohar, andspirituality. Just open the book wherever you wish, and begin to read, and thewords within will serve you as a “glimpse of the Light” illuminating theprofound emotions and perceptions we can all attain.

Regular Price: €9,95

The Path of Kabbalah: Revealing the Hidden Wisdom. Rav Michael Laitman PhD (ePub)

"Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness" (Exodus 20:3). This co...

"Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness" (Exodus 20:3). This commandment from the Bible is the basis of the Kabbalistic wisdom"Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness" (Exodus 20:3). This commandment from the Bible is the basis of the Kabbalistic wisdom, for Kabbalists know that the only true reality is that of His Essence, the Upper Force. When we accept this concept, we can become truly open to the prospect of freedom for ev...

Regular Price: €9,95

Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era: How society can turn self-interests into mutual ben...

Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era (ePub)Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era p...

Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era (ePub)Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era presents a new perspective on the challenges currently facing the world. Dr. Laitman shows the reader that the problems of the world are the consequence of humanity’s growing egotism. In that spirit, the book suggests ways to use our egos for society’s benefit, rather than merely for our own self-interest.The earlier chapters offer a unique understanding of humanity’s existence on this planet and h...

Regular Price: €9,95

Connected - by Nature’s Law (ePub)

Connected - by Nature’s Law (ePub)Connected—by Nature’s Law"Times New Roman";mso-ansi-language:EN...

Connected - by Nature’s Law (ePub)Connected—by Nature’s Law"Times New Roman";mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language:EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA"> is an innovative book on social awareness. Presentinga comprehensive picture of reality and the process that humanity is undergoing,the book offers tools for using the major personal and social shifts we’regoing through to our benefit. In Connected, the author suggests a“healthcare program for humanity” by solidifying the ties between us ...

Regular Price: €9,95

KABBALAH AND RELATIONSHIP - Quotes on the nature and importance of relationships (ePub)

The study of Kabbalah is the study of the relationship between the vessel and the light and how t...

The study of Kabbalah is the study of the relationship between the vessel and the light and how to transform this inner opposition into one of mutual support, a shared embrace consisting of the singular force of love.The study of Kabbalah is the study of the relationship between the vessel and the light and how to transform this inner opposition into one of mutual support, a shared embrace consisting of the singular force of love. Our relationships in this world reflect the underlying structu...

Regular Price: €9,95

The Point in the Heart - A Source of Delight for My Soul (ePub)

When life gets out of hand, when you need a moment to reflect, to "take five" and to be alone wit...

When life gets out of hand, when you need a moment to reflect, to "take five" and to be alone with your thoughts, this book will help you rediscover your inner compass. The Point in the Heart is a unique collection of excerpts from a man whose wisdom has earned him devoted students in North America and worldwide. Dr. Michael Laitman is a scientist, a Kabbalist, and a great thinker who presents an ancient wisdom in a compelling style. In these stormy days, his popular site, www.kabbalah.info, ...

Regular Price: €9,95

Woman and Kabbalah (ePub)

You are holding in your hands the result of a desire. Many women came together to work on this bo...

You are holding in your hands the result of a desire. Many women came together to work on this booklet in order to help all women new to the study of Kabbalah.You are holding in your hands the result of a desire. Many women came together to work on this booklet in order to help all women new to the study of Kabbalah. The questions gathered are those asked by women students of the BB Learning Center as they began their journey. The answers were picked from Rav’s books, lessons and talks. The q...

Regular Price: €9,95

Introduction to the Book of Zohar (ePub)

Introduction to the Zohar is the second in a series written by Kabbalist and scientist Rav Michae...

Introduction to the Zohar is the second in a series written by Kabbalist and scientist Rav Michael Laitman, which will prepare readers to understand the hidden message of "The Zohar". Among the many helpful topics dealt with in this companion text to The Science of Kabbalah, readers are introduced to the 'language of root and branch', without which the stories in the Zohar are mere fable and legend.Introduction to the Zohar is the second in a series written by Kabbalist and scientist Rav Mich...

Regular Price: €9,95

The Wise Heart; Tales and allegories of three contemporary sages (ePub)

“Our inner work is to tune our hearts and our senses to perceive the spiritual world,” says Micha...

“Our inner work is to tune our hearts and our senses to perceive the spiritual world,” says Michael Laitman in the poem, “Spiritual Wave.” The Wise Heart is a lovingly crafted anthology comprised of Kabbalistic tales and allegories passed through Dr. Michael Laitman and his mentors Rav Baruch Ashlag (Rabash) and Rabash’s father Rav Yehuda Ashlag (author of the acclaimed Sulam, a commentary on The Book of Zohar).The desire of a Kabbalah student is to reach higher levels of spiritual attainment...

Regular Price: €9,95

The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time (ePub)

The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time (ePub)The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our ...

The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time (ePub)The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time aims to help guide a person's approach toward studying The Zohar in order to reap the most benefit from its reading. It is built of quotes by Dr. Michael Laitman from the Daily Zohar Lessons, and answers to questions of students, that aim to clarify: The revelation of The Zohar in our time The approach to studying The Zohar The effort during the study of The Zohar Confusion and disturbanc...

Regular Price: €9,95

Awakening to Kabbalah (epub)

Your world is ready for change. Make it happen, with guidance from one of the greatest Kabbalists...

Your world is ready for change. Make it happen, with guidance from one of the greatest Kabbalists of our generationRav Michael Laitman, PhD, sees Kabbalah as a science that deals with drawing near to the Creator.Your world is ready for change. Make it happen, with guidance from one of the greatest Kabbalists of our generation Rav Michael Laitman, PhD, sees Kabbalah as a science that deals with drawing near to the Creator. It studies the system of creation, examines how the Creator conducts th...

Regular Price: €9,95

The Spiritual Roots of the Holy Land (ePub)

The Spiritual Roots of the Holy LandThe Spiritual Roots of the Holy Land empowers the reader to p...

The Spiritual Roots of the Holy LandThe Spiritual Roots of the Holy Land empowers the reader to plan a life changing journey through the land of Israel. This unconventional guidebook will offer its readers a chance to actually follow the footsteps of Abraham and experience the Holy Land from a spiritual perspective. The reader whether a religious pilgrim, a spiritual seeker or an adventurer looking for something out of the ordinary will find this guidebook both fascinating as well as practica...

Regular Price: €9,95

Revealing the Zohar / Discovering a New Reality - World Zohar Convention New York - May 7-9, 2010...

Revealing the Zohar / Discovering a New Reality - World Zohar Convention New York - May 7-9, 2010...

Revealing the Zohar / Discovering a New Reality - World Zohar Convention New York - May 7-9, 2010 (ePub)

Regular Price: €9,95