Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era

Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era presents a new perspective on the challenges current...

Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era presents a new perspective on the challenges currently facing the world. Dr. Laitman shows the reader that the problems of the world are the consequence of humanity’s growing egotism. In that spirit, the book suggests ways to use our egos for society’s benefit, rather than merely for our own self-interest.The earlier chapters offer a unique understanding of humanity’s existence on this planet and how our collective egoism has influenced the develop...

Regular Price: €18,95

Elegant Wood and Silver book stand

Treat yourself to our unique Wood and Silver Plated Book Holder. It will surely enhance your stud...

Treat yourself to our unique Wood and Silver Plated Book Holder. It will surely enhance your study table.The ideal gift for anyone!Wood and silver plated table top collapsible book holder, folds flat for easy storage.

Regular Price: €65,95

The Psychology of the Integral Society

The Psychology of the Integral Society presents a revolutionary approach to education. In an inte...

The Psychology of the Integral Society presents a revolutionary approach to education. In an interconnected and interdependent world, teaching children to compete with their peers is as “wise” as teaching one’s left hand to outsmart its peer, the right hand. An integral society is one in which all the parts contribute to the well-being and success of the society. The society, in turn, is responsible and cares for the well-being and success of its elements, thus forming co-dependence. In a glo...

Regular Price: €17,95

Children of Tomorrow

Children of Tomorrow: Guidelines for Raising Happy Children in the 21st Century is a new beginnin...

Children of Tomorrow: Guidelines for Raising Happy Children in the 21st Century is a new beginning for you and your children. Imagine being able to hit the reboot button and get it right this time. No hassle, no stress, and best of all - no guessing. The big revelation is that raising kids is all about games and play, relating to them as small grownups, and making all major decisions together. You will be surprised to discover how teaching kids about positive things like friendship and caring...

Regular Price: €17,95

Like a Bundle of Reeds

Like a Bundle of Reeds, why unity and mutual guarantee are today’s call of the hour sheds light o...

Like a Bundle of Reeds, why unity and mutual guarantee are today’s call of the hour sheds light on some of the Jews’ most daunting and mystifying questions: What is our role on this planet? Are we truly “the chosen people”? If we are, what were we chosen for? What is causing anti-Semitism, and can it be cured? Using numerous quotes and references from Jewish sages and historians of all times, the book offers a roadmap for achieving one of the Jews’ most sought-after, yet elusive goals: social...

Regular Price: €14,95