The Tower of Babel, the Last Story (PDF) by Rav Michael Laitman PhD (מגדל בבל, הקומה האחרונה)
The process that shapes the face of history began thousands of years ago and is culminating today. It has determined the events of our lives throughout the ages.
The process that shapes the face of history began thousands of years ago and is culminating today. It has determined the events of our lives throughout the ages. In the beginning, ancient Babylon was the center of civilization. Then, the ego erupted, dividing people and separating them from one another. To compensate for the alienation, humanity turned to cultivating technology, science, art, and culture. This was the time that the wisdom of Kabbalah was revealed.
But when Kabbalists realized that humanity had no need for their wisdom they concealed it, and waited for the time when Kabbalah would be in demand. Today, at the beginning of the 21st century, we are ready for change. Ages of development have not made us happier, but rather more confused and insecure. In this setting, the wisdom of Kabbalah is being revealed to the masses, offering a solution to our predicament.
The Tower of Babel, the Last Storey is a unique book, explaining the essence of the wisdom of Kabbalah, supported by the most up-to-date scientific data. This book reveals Nature's plan for our development, and helps us understand how to apply it to our lives and achieve tranquility, satisfaction, and happiness.
The process that shapes the face of history began thousands of years ago and is culminating today. It has determined the events of our lives throughout the ages. In the beginning, ancient Babylon was the center of civilization. Then, the ego erupted, dividing people and separating them from one another. To compensate for the alienation, humanity turned to cultivating technology, science, art, and culture. This was the time that the wisdom of Kabbalah was revealed.
But when Kabbalists realized that humanity had no need for their wisdom they concealed it, and waited for the time when Kabbalah would be in demand. Today, at the beginning of the 21st century, we are ready for change. Ages of development have not made us happier, but rather more confused and insecure. In this setting, the wisdom of Kabbalah is being revealed to the masses, offering a solution to our predicament.
The Tower of Babel, the Last Storey is a unique book, explaining the essence of the wisdom of Kabbalah, supported by the most up-to-date scientific data. This book reveals Nature's plan for our development, and helps us understand how to apply it to our lives and achieve tranquility, satisfaction, and happiness.
Edition: E-Book (PDF)
Number of Pages: 188
Date Published: November 2006
ISBN #: 9657065461