A Guide to the New World (E-book)
Why does 1% of the world population own 40% of the wealth? Why are education systems throughout the world producing unhappy, poorly educated children? Why is there hunger? Why are food prices rising when there is more than enough food for everyone? Why are there still countries where human dignity and social justice are nonexistent? And when and how will these wrongs be made right?
In 2011, these questions touched the hearts of hundreds of millions the world over. The cry for social justice has become a demand around which all can unite. We all long for a society where we can feel safe, trust our neighbors, and guarantee the future of our children. In such a society, all will care for all, and mutual guarantee—where all are guarantors of each other’s well-being—will thrive.
Despite all the challenges, we believe that change is possible and that we can find a way to implement it. Therefore, the book you are holding in your hands is a positive, optimistic one.
We now have a unique opportunity to achieve global transformation in a peaceful, pleasant manner, and A Guide to the New World: why mutual guarantee is the key to our recovery from the global crisis tries to help us pave the way toward that goal.
The book is divided into two parts, plus indices. Part One contains the concept of mutual guarantee. Part Two details the building of the new mutual guarantee society, and recaps the principles presented in Part One. The indices contain previous publications of the ARI Institute detailing its social, educational, and economic ideologies.
In 2011, these questions touched the hearts of hundreds of millions the world over. The cry for social justice has become a demand around which all can unite. We all long for a society where we can feel safe, trust our neighbors, and guarantee the future of our children. In such a society, all will care for all, and mutual guarantee—where all are guarantors of each other’s well-being—will thrive.
Despite all the challenges, we believe that change is possible and that we can find a way to implement it. Therefore, the book you are holding in your hands is a positive, optimistic one.
We now have a unique opportunity to achieve global transformation in a peaceful, pleasant manner, and A Guide to the New World: why mutual guarantee is the key to our recovery from the global crisis tries to help us pave the way toward that goal.
The book is divided into two parts, plus indices. Part One contains the concept of mutual guarantee. Part Two details the building of the new mutual guarantee society, and recaps the principles presented in Part One. The indices contain previous publications of the ARI Institute detailing its social, educational, and economic ideologies.
Number of Pages: 160
ISBN #: 978-1-897448-72-4